Staring At Me!

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New Born Pup
Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
I keep my guinea pig, Oreo, cage right next to my bed since I'm always in my room working on things. Lately I been noticing Oreo goes to the corner of his cage that is closest to my bed. He just stares at me, or puts his nose through the cage. I'll either let give him a snack or I'll let him have playtime until he comes back to me for pee time. After eating or whatever, he'll go back to this corner staring at me. Do any of your guinea pigs do this?
Hi and welcome!

I gather that Oreo is a single piggy and therefore needy of interaction? Staring is a form of begging. I used to have a piggy who'd come, sit by my feet and stare at me on the dot a quarter of an hour before the next meal was due! Please do not give shop treats; they will lead to obesity, malnutrition and long term health problems. Guinea pigs are sugar junkies, so you need to be firm and rather give a very small bit of veg or a pinch of dried herb/forage in moderation. The temptation to give too many treats is especially great with single piggies, especially once develop attention seeking habits.

If you can, it would be great if you considered company of his own kind in the long term, but your options depend on where you are located and you may want to do some research and preparation first.

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I forgot to mention, but oreo has a companion, Cucumber. He used to have two companions, but Tiger recently passed.
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