Stanley’s Away for bonding tomorrow


Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 15, 2019
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My beautiful fellow Stanley is going back to my local GP rescue tomorrow for hopefully a bonding with a new companion. It’s been nearly a month since Ronnie passed so he so deserves a good friend. I’m excited, anxious and tearful. Fingers crossed all will work out for the best. The next few days will be nerve racking. I will keep you posted
Good luck with Stanley and I really hope it goes well for him. We’re emailing some rescues now about a new friend for our bereaved and lonely lovely girl Winnie, it’s hard watching them on their own isn’t it.

Keep us posted on how things go and keeping everything crossed he finds a new pal soon.
Here's hoping Stanley finds himself a new buddy, and Winnie too, before long. Fingers (and paws) crossed.
Good luck Stanley …I’m sure you’ll find a new friend lovely boy
And good luck LucyP with finding Winnie a new friend
Thank you everyone. I’m a bag of nerves this morning. I know how parents feel when their children go on a school holiday for the first time. I know Stanley will be brilliantly looked after but I am missing him already. Hopefully there will be good news within the next few days and a new addition to my piggie family 😁
It must be very stressful but it sounds like a very good and thorough process for Stanley. Hopefully it goes well.
Best of luck Stanley!