Stanley and Primrose would just like to say...


Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 13, 2018
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...that while we do like our hay, we would appreciate it if the servant would kindly get down the shops and hurry up with our veggie tea. (Stanley would especially like to remind the servant that he hasn't quite forgiven her for trimming his back nails yesterday, so she ought to think on and make a bit more of an effort.)

Yes slave, what's going on with the veggies?
We were just chopping veg for a stirfry and Tallullah-oollah-woollah felt the need to remind me 6 times in as many minutes with her fire-alarm wheeking that she likes stirfry veg too. And we shouldnt forget that. Ever. Not even for 6 minutes. That afternoon strawberry was totally inadequate and she wants beansprouts, babycorn and peppers. Now please. Or even 5 minutes ago would be better :)
Beauties. I hope they weren’t kept waiting too long, poor starving piggies
Well it's about time...

The servant has partially redeemed herself by bringing us some sweetheart cabbage; not pictured as we ate most of it straight away

We also enjoyed trying out a new salad mix, so the servant can now go and eat her own modest meal in the staff quarters (after she has changed our water and brought us some pellets)
Yes slave, what's going on with the veggies?
We were just chopping veg for a stirfry and Tallullah-oollah-woollah felt the need to remind me 6 times in as many minutes with her fire-alarm wheeking that she likes stirfry veg too. And we shouldnt forget that. Ever. Not even for 6 minutes. That afternoon strawberry was totally inadequate and she wants beansprouts, babycorn and peppers. Now please. Or even 5 minutes ago would be better :)
Primrose is generally the strong, silent type, but preserves her voice for loudly announcing when she feels their meals should be arriving. Stanley is more of a chatterbox but is struck dumb in awe and excitement at the arrival of veg.
Well it's about time...
View attachment 119686

The servant has partially redeemed herself by bringing us some sweetheart cabbage; not pictured as we ate most of it straight away
View attachment 119687

We also enjoyed trying out a new salad mix, so the servant can now go and eat her own modest meal in the staff quarters (after she has changed our water and brought us some pellets)
View attachment 119688

Thank goodness there was a variety and plenty of it to make up for the slave’s tardiness.
Yes slave, what's going on with the veggies?
We were just chopping veg for a stirfry and Tallullah-oollah-woollah felt the need to remind me 6 times in as many minutes with her fire-alarm wheeking that she likes stirfry veg too. And we shouldnt forget that. Ever.
But remember also not to stir-fry the stir-fry veg before offering them to Miss Tallulah!
My lot were thoroughly unimpressed tonight. Dinner consisted of half veg including martoes for Dennis I might add (martoes being his fave veg of all time - for this week anyway) and half forage as I had run out of veg (shopping for piggy veg tomorrow). The look they gave me "Is this all?":oops:
I know that look! I get similar when they've heard the tap going downstairs and are excited as they know that veg is coming, only to find that I've brought them some celery: "You get our hopes up and this is all you've brought us?"
My lot were thoroughly unimpressed tonight. Dinner consisted of half veg including martoes for Dennis I might add (martoes being his fave veg of all time - for this week anyway) and half forage as I had run out of veg (shopping for piggy veg tomorrow). The look they gave me "Is this all?":oops:
How could you be so negligent?
Do you not realise that shopping for piggies is and always should be a priority?
Honestly - anyone would think you had other things to do in your life!
My herd were very unimpressed by this and wanted to write to the GPU on behalf of Velvet, Meg, Dennis, Christian and Beautiful Betsy
How could you be so negligent?
Do you not realise that shopping for piggies is and always should be a priority?
Honestly - anyone would think you had other things to do in your life!
My herd were very unimpressed by this and wanted to write to the GPU on behalf of Velvet, Meg, Dennis, Christian and Beautiful Betsy
My lot have beaten them to it! This is the letter they wrote:-

Dear GPU
Slave has been bad to us tonight. The fact that we were eating yummy grass for 3 hours today is not enough. The fact that we were out of the hutch for a total of 6 hours today while Slave cleaned out our hutch and put in the best green organic hay fresh from the farm that was harvested only 6 weeks ago is still not enough. The fact that Slave spends a fortune on Christian's medicine every 15 days or so has nothing to do with it. WE WERE GIVEN HALF RATIONS OF VEG TONIGHT. :yikes: Half was veg and half was forage! This really isn't good enough. Slave should be told in no uncertain term that we want proper rations of veg tomorrow night.
Yours sincerely
Velvet, Meg, Christian, Dennis and Betsy