Standing And Shaking?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
Deane, Bolton, uk
So ive had my 2 girl piggies nearly a year now and its the first time ive noticed this strange behaviour. They were both standing infront of each other and took it in turns to almost stand up and shake all their body and did it in turns about 5 times each. But there was no fighting they just went back to chilling out. They never fight and only tend to pinch each others food and will playfully chase each other so not sure if it was a domminent thing or not? Any help would be grateful cause google isnt helpful x
I have no advice but interested in the answer, I've seen my Milan do this before but only the once
It's called rumblestrutting :) my two do it time to time. It's a sign on dominance. So I'm guessing if they were both doing it together at the same time no one is backing down they both want to be the most dominant ital work itself out eventually or they'll both admit defeat and live in harmony! :D
But i thought rumble strutting was when they do like slow walk whilst shaking their bum? This was them just standing still and they like raised their upper body and like their fur went abit fuzzy so looked completely different to what i thought was rumble strutting cause rhey would gently pur whilst doing that n they didnt with thr shake they were just quiet then went back to their normal relaxing lol x
But i thought rumble strutting was when they do like slow walk whilst shaking their bum? This was them just standing still and they like raised their upper body and like their fur went abit fuzzy so looked completely different to what i thought was rumble strutting cause rhey would gently pur whilst doing that n they didnt with the shake they were just quiet then went back to their normal relaxing lol x

Oh so they were momentarily standing on there back legs and the like shaking? How a dog would shake water off?
If so mine do that after they have a nice wash or if they feel like they've got bits of hay or sawdust on them and need to shake it off. The fact they were doing it at each other was probably just coincidence
Yea it was like a dog. But when i went to inspect after they finished katie pig did have some wee on her back so you could be right but i dont get why chloe pig was copying lol but then i did read that when their fur goes all fuzzy that that can be a sign of domminance because it makes them look big ect. Was just so strange to see ha x
So ive had my 2 girl piggies nearly a year now and its the first time ive noticed this strange behaviour. They were both standing infront of each other and took it in turns to almost stand up and shake all their body and did it in turns about 5 times each. But there was no fighting they just went back to chilling out. They never fight and only tend to pinch each others food and will playfully chase each other so not sure if it was a domminent thing or not? Any help would be grateful cause google isnt helpful x

Your girls obviously had a bit of a session of telling each other that they didn't appreciate what had been said and done and that neither was willing to back down, but it was all on a very civilised and controlled level and has hopefully cleared the air.
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