Sqweaking piggy all the time

Nicola roberts

New Born Pup
Apr 19, 2018
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Hi my little fur baby lost her sister 4 weeks ago,we are doing r very best to keep her happy and she has got lots of boredom toys and things and take her out regular,she sqweeks nearly all the time is this normal…..(she doesn’t get on well with other piggy’s so can’t get her another friend) she was poorly before her sister passed away and was on vital care feeds…she got better and eating and drinking normally now and is well in herself just the sqweaking that’s making me sad as I mint no if she’s unhappy or happy
I’m sorry to hear this.

I’m afraid we can’t know whether these are happy or unhappy sounds as it is all contextual. We would have to see videos of sufficient length and what is doing at the time to be able to know what she is trying to say.
What I can say is that piggies need lots of mental stimulation particularly when alone and the companionship of another piggy. Human interaction is rarely enough.
I don’t know what boredom toys you have for her but usually commercial toys are ignored. Giving enrichment which encourages mental stimulation such as large piles of hay with the daily veg and pellets hidden in it is a great way to provide what they need in terms of encouraging natural foraging abilities ie don’t use any food bowls or racks as they remove all the foraging ability.

Getting a successful bond is about finding the right piggy. You don’t say how old she is, but some older sows can be less willing to accept a new friend in the same cage but benefit hugely from side by side companionship, if that is an option?

I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you can find a friend for your remaining piggy.
Hi my little fur baby lost her sister 4 weeks ago,we are doing r very best to keep her happy and she has got lots of boredom toys and things and take her out regular,she sqweeks nearly all the time is this normal…..(she doesn’t get on well with other piggy’s so can’t get her another friend) she was poorly before her sister passed away and was on vital care feeds…she got better and eating and drinking normally now and is well in herself just the sqweaking that’s making me sad as I mint no if she’s unhappy or happy


It sounds like attention seeking behaviour to me? Has she round the clock stimulation from another cage through the bars? Even if she is not willing to share her own territory, she still needs that species interaction - if necessary just to tell the others that she is not interesting in her her space.

Please take the time to read the guide links below. You may find them both interesting and helpful.

Attention seeking behaviour and how to deal with it:
Who is the Boss - Your Guinea Pig or You?

See especially chapters about bereaved piggies and the last chapter about how to spot when social species needs in single piggies are transferred onto the owner:
Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities
So sorry for your loss.
It’s rare that a piggy can’t get on with any other piggy. Companionship is important
Do you live close enough to a rescue which could help with finding a suitable companion?