debbie ann
We got the lovely flower today from Becklen to be a companion for our older sow but the first meeting has left me VERY confused! Bandit used to have companions but she has never been loving as the others were and it seemed she tolerated the others rather than loved them when her cage mate passed away she seemed very happy! so we took that as a sign that she prefers to be alone. She did start becoming less confident especially in larger spaces which is why we decided to try and pair her up with a new friend. So trying to make it short ish.. I'm a waffler sorry.. at first bandit had no interest and flower was petrified after a long wait i put all the treats close to flower and bandit went to the food, flower suddenly found her feet and after a very brief sniff of bandit she started eating and investigating the cage they were chatting constantly and getting on great happy in each others company but still going off and doing own thing... but then they started becoming a bit too close and really wanting to know the other ( just sniffing and bottom sniffing ) but neither liked being on the recieving end and bandit sprayed flower with urine... then later flower got her back by doing it to her! i have never seen this is any pig i have had so am slightly concerned but let them carry on with piggy trains and eating together but then bandit nipped flower, i dont think it was hard as flower didnt make any noise and was extremely confident when bandit was in there with her but she later gave another nip so i took bandit out but flower went back to being the petrified pig so i figured if she was happy with bandit then it must be ok so put her back, bandit nipped twice more and i have never even seen nipping in any of my pigs so i ended up ending the meeting to try again tomorrow.. Any thoughts? on the urine thing or how things are going. I have been so lucky in the past and my girls have always taken a friend on without any fuss this nipping this is very new to me. also there was no rumble strutting teeth grinding or any signs of aggression it was just mutual spraying and nipps from the older pig 8::{
We got the lovely flower today from Becklen to be a companion for our older sow but the first meeting has left me VERY confused! Bandit used to have companions but she has never been loving as the others were and it seemed she tolerated the others rather than loved them when her cage mate passed away she seemed very happy! so we took that as a sign that she prefers to be alone. She did start becoming less confident especially in larger spaces which is why we decided to try and pair her up with a new friend. So trying to make it short ish.. I'm a waffler sorry.. at first bandit had no interest and flower was petrified after a long wait i put all the treats close to flower and bandit went to the food, flower suddenly found her feet and after a very brief sniff of bandit she started eating and investigating the cage they were chatting constantly and getting on great happy in each others company but still going off and doing own thing... but then they started becoming a bit too close and really wanting to know the other ( just sniffing and bottom sniffing ) but neither liked being on the recieving end and bandit sprayed flower with urine... then later flower got her back by doing it to her! i have never seen this is any pig i have had so am slightly concerned but let them carry on with piggy trains and eating together but then bandit nipped flower, i dont think it was hard as flower didnt make any noise and was extremely confident when bandit was in there with her but she later gave another nip so i took bandit out but flower went back to being the petrified pig so i figured if she was happy with bandit then it must be ok so put her back, bandit nipped twice more and i have never even seen nipping in any of my pigs so i ended up ending the meeting to try again tomorrow.. Any thoughts? on the urine thing or how things are going. I have been so lucky in the past and my girls have always taken a friend on without any fuss this nipping this is very new to me. also there was no rumble strutting teeth grinding or any signs of aggression it was just mutual spraying and nipps from the older pig 8::{