Squirting at others

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Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
weston super mare, UK
My youngest sow is 3 months old and has always lived with the sow she came to me with. My newest sow lily is completly unrelated to her. Now everytime the newest sow goes near my youngest she turns around and squirts in her face. She does not do this at all to Willow who she has always lived with.

I just wonder will she stop doing this all the time? She is very skittish and hates being picked up and stuff. She is happy to share food with the other 2 but if lily walks past she will squirt. I just thought she was lifting her back end and kicking but on closer observation i noticed she is not.:{
I don't really know why they do this but one of my boys used to do this to his cage mate. He soon stopped. I thought it was a kind of clever way at getting back at the other for being a bit of a bully. He probably found it funny too that Mummy was kissing where he'd just pee'd! Yuck.
Yep, I think it is a dominance thing. Pixel used to get this alot from our other two when she was smaller. Especially bad as she's whie (or should be! :)) )

She still gets it occassionally now (she's 9 months ish) but I have also seen HER doing it to the other two now as well ;)
So youngun is trying to dominate lily then?

Sounds like it. My lot only do it if one of the others is right behind them. Pippa is by far the worst for it, but is no longer the dominant sow in our group. Willow appears to have taken over in the last 6 months :{

I think it is a dominance thing, but also a 'Get away from me!' thing too
So could this end up in a big fall out if the Tilly(youngest) keeps trying to be the dominent one. Will it be as bad as boys falling out?
No, hopefully they won't fall out. My three girls are all firm friends and have never even rumbled at each other. It's just the pee thing rolleyes

Unless they start teeth chattering and become aggressive towards one another, I wouldn't get too worried ;)
Sows peeing at others means EXACTLY what it says: "P*ss off!"
Glad to see this thread..... I have 5 piggies - mum (Ebony) with 3 daughters and unrelated Sherbet. All female. A couple of months ago Ebony kept rumbling and trying to mount Sherbet and she (Sherbet) was not happy - Ebony did not do this to any of the daughters. The past week or so though Ive found Sherbet cornering Ebony and peeing on her - not nice - I did wonder why Ebony was always a little damp when I picked her up rolleyes ... now I know..... She also doesnt do it to the 3 younger ones.....
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