Squirmy Toddler Guinea Pig?!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 20, 2016
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Is it normal for a young guinea pig to be really squirmy and not sit still for a moment during lap time?! Our two girls, Pip and Honey came to live with us 2 weeks ago. Pip is becoming really tame, letting us stroke her and will sit quietly on our knee during lap time, whereas her sister won't sit still for a moment! So am letting the kids handle Pip for short periods, but am too nervous about letting them handle Honey incase she launches herself off their lap and injures herself. She still seems a bit nervous and scarpers if we try to stroke her. Any suggestions? Will she calm down a bit when she's a bit older?!
In my experience, in a nutshell... YES! My two are about 12 weeks old, and while Marble has progressed from frozen still to happily snuffle about for a short while in lap time, Willow has gone from curious sniffer to squirmy wriggler who just will not sit still! She's a real jumper too (taking advantage of her lightness!). So... yes! But I don't know the answer :/
Well, Godfrey's the polar opposite of Duncan. Duncan will sit calmly, maybe a bit squeaky but he will relax on your lap, whereas Godfrey will squeal incessantly because you need to put him back home RIGHT NOW, human. I'd say be patient! She may well calm down as she gets to know you, or she may just not be a lap piggy. Best of luck either way!
Yes i have a squirmer too, I think it's because she is excited to be out of the cage and just wants to explore now she feels more confident. Ive had a couple of episodes of her flying of my lap and ive had to rugby tackle her so she doesnt fall off the couch, I'm always afraid ive hurt her but she's ok (I think I hurt myself more). I'm quite reluctant to have her out now cos I dont want her to get hurt. Her sister has just started to get snuggly and enjoy a pat. I'm getting a feeling she's not a lap pig actually which is ok she doesn't have to be and wont be forced to be.
You may just find they have different personalities. One of those ours is definitely a lap pig and loves being held and petted. Coco hates being picked up and wriggles and squirms and although she will tolerate sitting on your lap she is more likely to be restless and pulls on the towel or clothes to signal she wants to go back to the cage.
I don't think age has much to do with it! My Jemima has always been the same and she's over 5 years old now, she just doesn't like lap time!
I've got 2 2 year olds, one who freezes in absolute fear and one who can't stay still and jumps straight off my lap. When I give them floor time Peanut stays in a hidey unless I leave the room. If I sit on the floor Spike climbs over and round me and sometimes stays still for a few seconds for a stroke. Could your children sit quietly on the floor and let Honey come to them? It might help her gain confidence and she wouldn't be in danger of falling off a sofa. Piggies are like people, they are all different!
You may just find they have different personalities. One of those ours is definitely a lap pig and loves being held and petted. Coco hates being picked up and wriggles and squirms and although she will tolerate sitting on your lap she is more likely to be restless and pulls on the towel or clothes to signal she wants to go back to the cage.
My Coco is the squirmer too. It must be a Coco thing lol.
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