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Squinting eyes


New Born Pup
Nov 29, 2020
Reaction score
Hello, just wanted to write on here to see if anyone else has dealt with the similar.
I have 3 little sisters, only 15 weeks old. Petal has been squinting her eyes (quite badly at some points) when eating. We went to the vets on Wednesday and the vet checked inside her mouth, eyes and listened to her breathing. The only noticeable thing was as the vet was feeling around her jaw, mainly the left bottom side, Petal would twitch in pain. We’ve had daily pain meds since, hoping that it may just be a scratch or a sore inside the mouth. For a few days she seemed slightly better (hardly any squinting) but since yesterday it’s happening again, after veggies she is also quiet wet under the chin compared to her sisters. I will be calling the vet to give an update in the morning. She is still her happy, popcorning, bright, hungry self and hasn’t been loosing any weight. Just wondered if anyone has noticed similar and what the course of actions were!


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I presume veggies are going in okay? No overchewing or exaggerated jaw movements?
eating everything still, I would say maybe slightly slower than her sisters. She’s been shaking a lot (like she’s wet or shaking something off) maybe due to her chin getting wet.