squeaky pig!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 23, 2009
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my lil piggy is living by herself for now as I'm getting her a friend in the next month sometime :) but recently every time i put her in her cage at night she just squeaks all night ! she has everything she needs like food, water ,hay, toys ,tunnel and place to sleep so i dont know why she is being so loud at
night . she never used to be loud , do * think there could be something bothering her ?
Perhaps something has happened that has frightened her badly?

Could you try a children's night light and see whether that may help? Aslo a cuddly toy to curl up to.
she sounds lonely and maybe she doesnt like the dark and the quiet maybe a light like weibke suggested and some sort of low sound like radio or ticking clock
can you describe the squeak?

You can find audio files onlines of examples of squeaks which will tell you what they 'mean'.
yes she was living alone since ive got her which is nearly 3 months , but like i said i will be getting her a friend soon so she wont be alone :) last night she was quiet , i put a cuddly toy , a night light and let her have a long run before i put her back in her cage . and loads of cuddles aswerll . and she was actually quiet all night , thinking maybe she had too much energy before or something ? thanks for all ** ideas though ! x
My oliver use to be like this he was just craving company i suggest you get her a friend as soon as possible and i guarantee she will be blissfully happy.
My Darcy was the same too till he had a friend he was so happy he popcorned for half an hour when he met Lily then fell asleep he was so worn out.Hope you get fixed up soon
Helen xx>>>
yeah i have a little night light thing for her , and i think i will get her a friend asap . haha thats soo sweet *** he tired himself by popcorning lol !
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