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Squeaking when weeing


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 1, 2021
Reaction score
Me AGAIN! On Thurs I found a little bit of blood in the hutch ( don’t know it was for sure) and I noticed that Muffin my boar is squeaking a bit when weeing. I took him to the vet this morning and he weed on her ( no finesse 🤭) and it was clear. She has prescribed Metacam but do you think this will be ok? She said antibiotics might upset his tummy. Has anyone else had this? I’m worried it’s bladder stones. Thank you all in advance!
Was this just as a visual check or was the urine actually tested?

At the start of a UTI it is common for symptoms to be inconsistent and to then see urine contain blood and then clear urine but there still be an infection. Clear urine can still test positive for blood. Equally, red urine may be porphyrins (a natural dye common at the start of UTIs), and not actually be blood.

Some antibiotics can upset the tummy but not all will. Baytril, which is commonly prescribed, is usually very well tolerated. If it does cause an upset, it’s usually just soft poops which can be tackled by giving a probiotic.
However any diagnosed infection obviously requires antibiotics. Metacam, of course, wont kill any bacteria
Was this just as a visual check or was the urine actually tested?

At the start of a UTI it is common for symptoms to be inconsistent and to then see urine contain blood and then clear urine but there still be an infection. Clear urine can still test positive for blood. Equally, red urine may be porphyrins (a natural dye common at the start of UTIs), and not actually be blood.

Some antibiotics can upset the tummy but not all will. Baytril, which is commonly prescribed, is usually very well tolerated. If it does cause an upset, it’s usually just soft poops which can be tackled by giving a probiotic.
However any diagnosed infection obviously requires antibiotics. Metacam, of course, wont kill any bacteria
I called the vet back and they have also prescribed Baytril. They prob think I’m fussing but I’d rather err on the side of caution. Thanks for your reply x
Was this just as a visual check or was the urine actually tested?

At the start of a UTI it is common for symptoms to be inconsistent and to then see urine contain blood and then clear urine but there still be an infection. Clear urine can still test positive for blood. Equally, red urine may be porphyrins (a natural dye common at the start of UTIs), and not actually be blood.

Some antibiotics can upset the tummy but not all will. Baytril, which is commonly prescribed, is usually very well tolerated. If it does cause an upset, it’s usually just soft poops which can be tackled by giving a probiotic.
However any diagnosed infection obviously requires antibiotics. Metacam, of course, wont kill any bacteria
How will I know if it’s a bladder stone? X