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I have a 9 week old baby teddy - Bully - and boy is he! I have tried him with both and old boy (5yrs) and a baby (8 wks) and he didn't like either! He bites me and draws blood and squeaks incessantly - night and morning. He eats like a pig - never stops, even squeaks when he's eating!

I have treated him for mites

Any ideas or help would be appreciated

I have to say I have noticed that whenever I post either to reply or start a new thread it usually goes cold!

Anyway I have sorted out my problem now have found Bully a new home.

Thanks anyway
Couldn't actually part with him. He's still at home and starting to settle down a tiny bit!
I find it very hard to let go of certain piggies sometimes, so I can totally empathise! ;D

I think maybe if he cant be bonded with another boar, it would be better to keep him on his own giving him lots and lots of attention until he is old enough to get neutered and then get him a girlfriend.

You know your own guinea, and its better for him to stay on his own, be handled very regularly by you and become more and more tame, rather than you constantly worrying about trying to introduce him to other boars, and those bad experiences wil probably affect his behaviour with other guineas when hes older..

When hes less scared and more settled, he's going to be less likely to bite....and putting him in with other boars, which you have established he does not like...is only going to make him more aggressive imo.

I know people will disagree, but if he carries on this way, like i say, i think it would be best to keep him on his own with a lot of attention from you until he's old enough to be neutered...then take him to a rescue and let him have a sniff around the ladies (which most rescues will allow) and he can choose which he likes, and which sow is compatable and isnt going to cause a problem!

Obviously its up to you, but bear in mind he hasnt even gone through his 'teenage' stage yet...and thats when the poop usually hits the fan...so at least if hes neutered you have a back up plan in case its not possible for him to live with a boar in the future! ;) :)
I have my max who is 8months now and lives on his own as well when we got him i was told he was a girl etc and well lilly his girlfirend gave birth 2 times to his babies and had 4 each time

now i tired to bond him and aflie as the first lot of babies i got 3 girls and a boy so i tired to bond aflie and max but mac woulnt leave him alone etc so i toke him out and put aflie on his own and i was going to wait till he is older and get him nuarted and put one of his sisters in with him but a few weeks later i found out lilly was having more babies and well she had 4 boys the 2nd time around so i have bound aflie with the baby boys the baby boys are now 7 weeks and aflie is 4 months at first aflie was was allways siffing there bums for first 2 weeks or so but not he is fine and there play togther sleep tgther eat togther

but my little max who is 8 months is still on his own and thats how it will stay but he is happy i allways biring him in for cuddles and talk him lots but he knows there the other piggies are still here aswell and he gets to see his 5 sons when there out in there run

some piggies jsut dont wont to get on with others

oh and by the way my 7 week old boys are allways speaking too there never shut up
Thanks for your reply Perfectpiggies! & Hannah too!

It actually makes a lot of sense what you say, I think he is quite an independant little man! He is very bold - he justs stands in the cage staring up at me as if to say what now? Food or cuddle? When I put him with the baby pig and he launched himself at him (lol!) It took him all evening to calm down again but when my other boys go up to his cage to say hello he just stands there as if to say"yeah what do you want?" When they walk away he justs gets on with what he was doing - eating usually! But I think you are right what he needs most now is security, he gets the most attention anyway a) because hes the baby of the house b) because he squeaks the loudest!
Every night when I get home he is squeaking his head off, so as soon as I get in I pick him up tuck him under my chin and he likes that and sort of coos! then he starts squeaking because he realises food is on its way now I'm home! He loves to stroked in his cage and tickly under the chin, I think he just feels a bit restricted when I hold him on my lap.
Anyway we're getting there I think, I shan't try anymore for the moment because he needs to feel safe and comfortable so we'll jsut see how it goes......
Thanks for your advice it really helped
awwww.. I have the same with my Squeaky! Who is living up his name! Squeakd constantly until I get him out. He was a very nervous pig and was quite fierce and bites!

He still bites a little, but he knows that as much as he does bite - I never react! ;) He has since become more tame and relaxed and has statred to kiss me! He still squeaks a lot but I think it's more that attention he craves :D

He will be kept on his own for a whiile as he has been a bit of a bully! But working on him! :)

Good luck with Bully ;)
I don't react either when Bully bites me, ( shes says tears running down face, blood trickling down arm!) I just gently blow on him to distract and slowly its working.

Thanks Kelly glad I'm not the only one with a fiesty baby!
piglover said:
I don't react either when Bully bites me, ( shes says tears running down face, blood trickling down arm!) I just gently blow on him to distract and slowly its working.

Thanks Kelly glad I'm not the only one with a fiesty baby!

awwwww - I just say no you little bu**er! LOL
A couple of people have suggested to me today that Bully may be brain damaged, either at birth or dropped or he may have visual impairment. I'm inclined to believe the visual impairment more as he just doesn't run away, if I stroke him in his cage he just follows my hand with his nose all the time, if I put him on the carpet he just stands and squeaks! Make sense in a way. He has dark eyes, but they are outlined with white which I thought was different at the time - does this indicate anything?
I am not sure about that to be honest...worth a trip to the vets if you think its a possibility...

but a lot of my rescue piggies do the 'If I stay reeeeally still she wont see me' trick! Its just because hes so young and scared...thats not unusual :)
Yep I could do, but I think I'll see how he goes! Bully doesn't do scared though - he does the scareing!
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