Okay guys i bought a guinea pig(male) when he was two weeks old he was like an adult he ate by himself and drink....
I dont really understand what squeaking means,i walk in the living room and he starts squeaking and i come near him and he gets on the last two legs and jump around squeaking.i give him salad cuz he loves it its like a drug to him...
i try to give him other veggy and fruit but he likes the salad the most...
every day he squeaks and squeaks and i give him some food then he doesnt squeak for a while then he squeaks again......if he continues eating he will be like a tank and thats not healthy.can you guys tell me why he always squeaks? i provide him everything he needs but he always squeaks and jumps around like he has lice or something i donno what it is?
thanks if * answer me sorry for my english I'm from Croatia
I dont really understand what squeaking means,i walk in the living room and he starts squeaking and i come near him and he gets on the last two legs and jump around squeaking.i give him salad cuz he loves it its like a drug to him...
i try to give him other veggy and fruit but he likes the salad the most...
every day he squeaks and squeaks and i give him some food then he doesnt squeak for a while then he squeaks again......if he continues eating he will be like a tank and thats not healthy.can you guys tell me why he always squeaks? i provide him everything he needs but he always squeaks and jumps around like he has lice or something i donno what it is?
thanks if * answer me sorry for my english I'm from Croatia