Squeak Squeak?

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Okay guys i bought a guinea pig(male) when he was two weeks old he was like an adult he ate by himself and drink....
I dont really understand what squeaking means,i walk in the living room and he starts squeaking and i come near him and he gets on the last two legs and jump around squeaking.i give him salad cuz he loves it its like a drug to him...
i try to give him other veggy and fruit but he likes the salad the most...
every day he squeaks and squeaks and i give him some food then he doesnt squeak for a while then he squeaks again......if he continues eating he will be like a tank and thats not healthy.can you guys tell me why he always squeaks? i provide him everything he needs but he always squeaks and jumps around like he has lice or something i donno what it is?

thanks if * answer me:P sorry for my english I'm from Croatia
Possibly it is popcorning which means he is very happy / excited! They sometimes get so excited they jump around and look like they are fitting1 There are different sounds for diff things, they do a noise when you are going to feed them (they seem to know what a noise from a bag means or the fridge opening).
Possibly it is popcorning which means he is very happy / excited! They sometimes get so excited they jump around and look like they are fitting1 There are different sounds for diff things, they do a noise when you are going to feed them (they seem to know what a noise from a bag means or the fridge opening).

ah i hope its the popcorning:) yeah but in the morning he squeaaaks like that male chicken in the morning and every time now i come near him he jumps with front two feet/hands on the cage and waits for food he got used to it cuz i gaved him salad all the time:Panyone knows how i can make him to eat other food not to be a salad bomb:?:<>
What do you mean by salad? just curious as i tried to avoid lettuce as i heard its bad for them. Mine used to do the same its fine he just sounds happy, they get excited over any noise or food bags rustling.
Romaine Lettuce is the best, other sorts are ok too little gem, curly ones. It's not good to give iceberg, although piggies often love it, it is all water and no nutrition. x
Yer i think it was the iceberg lettuce that someone warned me about, so i never fed mine lettuce they loved curly kale and greens
I don't give my pigs any lettuce, but what is different about iceberg lettuce in particular?
Water and no nutrition and plus it gives them upset tummys.

That's right, also it is high in something that in quantity is not good for piggies, if I could do the cross post link thing I could refer you to it :{ . Lots of stuff about lettuce in the food thread, you could find more detailed info there. x
A new born guinea pig comes out with it's hair and teeth can see etc, so him being like you said at two weeks old is normal. Also the squeaking is when he is happy and wanting the food you bring him, we can't touch any plastic in our house without our guinea pigs all squeaking for their food.nn
off topic - but is getting him at 2 weeks not very young? what age would they normally leave mum? i dont know, am just curious x

I wonder can guinea pigs eat blowball, dandelion, gilt cup its the same thing...
what does this mean when i come near him he squeaks and gets front two feet/hands on the cage?
i give him some food and then later he squeaks again lol....is it normal for a guinea pig to squeak so much?when i hold him and massage(something or wtf how do i say it) he starts to pure but he does that sometimes?-c
off topic - but is getting him at 2 weeks not very young? what age would they normally leave mum? i dont know, am just curious x

I had read on some other gp forum (before I found this fantastic one :)) ) that your supposed to remove the boars from their mothers no later than 3 weeks, they become "sexually active" by then and well...lets just say you dont need the mother to be a mother again. rolleyes
what does this mean when i come near him he squeaks and gets front two feet/hands on the cage?
i give him some food and then later he squeaks again lol....is it normal for a guinea pig to squeak so much?when i hold him and massage(something or wtf how do i say it) he starts to pure but he does that sometimes?-c

it means he's happy
he's talking to you

it's like asking why the average human talks so much!
As soon as I walk into the kitchen and say 'hello piggie wiggies' they start to run around squeaking now. I think they associate my voice with veggies :)) They are just happy when they do this, mine flip in the air too
My guineas love dandelion leaves! You should feed in moderation tho along with the lettuce - too many tender leafy things can give them a funny tummy. Try Curly Kale, Spring Greens etc... also liked but more roughage.

If you want to discourage his squeaking so much try not to feed him every time he begs you. He won’t starve, he just thinks he will!

My girls favourite food is curly kale, whenever I'm away for a weekend my OH thinks it’s very clever to feed them every time they ask for it (which is the whole time). Without fail I come back to a bunch of hungry monsters, constantly begging waving their paws at me and singing for more dinner. Its very cute, but not the WHOLE time!

I soon wean them off it by giving cuddles to anyone caught with their paws in the air!
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