squabbling boys in new home

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Mar 22, 2011
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hello all, i hope you can help i'm worried about my pigs.

i have two boys who are just coming up to a year old and who have got on really well so far. i've just moved them inside into their first c&c cage (after reading lots on here, thanks :)) as it's too cold for them outside. their cage is big, 4x4 grids (i think this is big enough?) and they have several places to hide each etc.

but i moved them in earlier this evening and ever since they've been squabbling. i've been keeping an eye on them and it's mainly pushing and shoving with gus trying to mount milo but i haven't noticed any biting. i've been paying really close attention because i've heard teeth chattering a couple of times but they haven't actually tried to hurt each other.

will they settle down? i'm assuming this is because they're in a strange place and getting used to their new home but i'm concerned because it's been going on for a while.

gus has really swollen 'male bits' - is he in some kind of heat? milo's look completely normal and it's really gus who's agitating things. i took them to the vet earlier this week for a check up so i think they're both fine health wise. i'm just concerned because i want them to get on and be happy in their new home!

any help would be much appreciated as i'm quite concerned. thanks so much xx

edit to say: i have now put a barrier down the middle of the cage because it doesn't seem to be calming down, was this the right thing to do?
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The general rule is dont seperate untill blood is drawn. Sometimes in a new place males need to reestablish dominance.
Also, your cage is plently big enough well done :)
Yes, it is normal behaviour for them to establish the pecking order in a new place/home.

If you read this sticky, it might help.

You've done a great job to give them space and several hidey places.

You will be now noticing behaviour that you missed if they were living outdoor in hutch previously, given the time now you can watch them.

Its best just to let them sort out the pecking order if their is no blood drawn, once its sorted things will cool down.

When I have had some of my pairs kick off for longer than I am happy with I sometimes take one out for a cuddle or run around in the play pen, but mostly I let them sort out their differences.

Another method of defusing is to lob a nice pile of hay on top of them :))
Or a scattering of veggies.

However, since this is the boys new pad, they should be going through the territoral dominance rituals and once sorted they should calm down.

Its good Gus and Milo have different characters, it sounds like Gus is reminding Milo he is still top pig and Milo isnt challenging for it too much?
oh good i'm so relieved! thanks so much for replying.

i've just popped down to check on them and they seem much calmer... after i posted i took away the barrier thinking they just need time to sort themselves out and hopefully i was right, they do seem to have calmed a bit.

it's funny watching them because whilst gus always tries to push milo around, milo is much braver and much calmer around me and new people so gus comes off as a abit of a bully and he keeps getting pushed out of the pigloo that he's trying to claim! i think the problem is that gus is much more nervous and the new space probably upset him more which is why he's picking on milo and trying to get a reaction.

fingers crossed they will just sort themselves out! so the general rule is, unless they draw blood just let them get on with it? it's really difficult because i don't want them to fight but it sounds like they (especially gus!) just need to settle their differences?

thanks again, so much! it's so great to get advice from other owners :) xx
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