Spoink’s hamster. 💕


Teenage Guinea Pig
Apr 19, 2019
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Hiya, I’m Alex.
Mummy adopted me just over a year ago. I love mummy cuddles, mostly climbing all over her. I think her ponytail is the cosiest spot, but mummy doesn’t think so?

I sleep in the weirdest, most cosy positions.
But, most importantly, I am a complete stud muffin and absolutely spoiled.
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Hiya, I’m Alex.
Mummy adopted me just over a year ago. I love mummy cuddles, mostly climbing all over her. I think her ponytail is the cosiest spot, but mummy doesn’t think so?

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I sleep in the weirdest, most cosy positions.
But, most importantly, I am a complete stud muffin and absolutely spoiled.
Ah...those little fingers!
Aw, hamsters are the cutest little creatures made! I had two when I was young, the little Male was lovely natured and the little lady was ferocious and would be happy to bite a finger in a heartbeat. Alex is gorgeous x
Aw, hamsters are the cutest little creatures made! I had two when I was young, the little Male was lovely natured and the little lady was ferocious and would be happy to bite a finger in a heartbeat. Alex is gorgeous x
They absolutely are little darlings. 😍 I've had several hamsters in life, but Alex joined us because his previous family got a dog and they decided they couldn't have both... so I whisked him away. 😁
He is an absolute diamond, he wasn't great for them as he would bite, but they didn't really handle him much and well - I can't resist it can I. He's the sweetest little man and hasn't bitten me once, but he does like to keep me on my toes escaping to behind my washing machine!
How gorgeous. 🥰 What was their name?
The Syrian was called Ghost, she wasn’t very friendly but I loved her!
The Roborovski was called Tiny Buddha and he was really skittish but he loved his wheel!
Ghostie crossed to the rainbow bridge (she had been struggling for a while) three days before Tiny Buddha unexpectedly joined her...
Awww.... what a sweetheart! I love hamsters... we just adopted another one today.

Here are some of ours, past and present...

This is our new girl, Sumire, just came home today!

Carmen Sandiego... she lived to be between 2.5 and 3, we just lost her last month. She was the world's sweetest hamster!

This is Gwynn, our other current hamster. She is a 1-year-old longhaired Syrian.

Another past resident, Eevee... little dwarf hamster! She looked innocent but she would take your arm off! LOL!

And finally, another past hamster, Aigis. She was a HUGE slate-colored shorthaired Syrian hamster, she LOVED to eat!
Oh my goodness me, thank you so much for this post how flipping gorgeous. 😍🥰
So gorgeous. I miss my hamsters - Harriet (Russian) Billy (Russian) Honey (Syrian) Timmy (Russian) and finally (Mr) Poppy (Syrian).
Not had a hamster since I was a child, do they like company or to be alone? Just certain breeds like company. .?
What a lot of lovely hamsters! 😍
@Betsy will be jealous as I think she wants a hammie..
How right you are! I have had 8 hammies in the past and really would like another by OH has said no :no: I have no photos either as they were all on my old laptop which was stolen in a burglary 6 years ago.
Hello Mrs. Chops. 😍😍😍 that is the cutest name for the cutest sweetiepop. 🥰

She was a rescue. She was dumped outside of a pets at home store that my friend works in the vets. Found in a lunch box with a prolapsed cheek pouch :( That's how she got her name Chops. Thankfully the vets managed to fix the cheek pouch and then she came home to me :)
Not had a hamster since I was a child, do they like company or to be alone? Just certain breeds like company. .?
I could be wrong hun, but as far as I know Syrians have to live alone as they’re so territorial but they don’t get lonely. And I think you can have a pair of same sex dwarf hammies but only if they’re very young and put into the cage at the same time, otherwise again they have to be alone. I wouldn’t ever want to risk it personally, I’d be on constant watch panicking my brains out. 😂
She was a rescue. She was dumped outside of a pets at home store that my friend works in the vets. Found in a lunch box with a prolapsed cheek pouch :( That's how she got her name Chops. Thankfully the vets managed to fix the cheek pouch and then she came home to me :)
Oh the rotten dirty toerags! Well Mrs. Chops I would give them a pop in the chops for you my sweet!
How lucky you are to have landed with your wonderful human. 💕
I could be wrong hun, but as far as I know Syrians have to live alone as they’re so territorial but they don’t get lonely. And I think you can have a pair of same sex dwarf hammies but only if they’re very young and put into the cage at the same time, otherwise again they have to be alone. I wouldn’t ever want to risk it personally, I’d be on constant watch panicking my brains out. 😂
My friend had a pair of dwarf hammies cos the pet shop said they could live happily together and shouldn't live alone! (PAH) They ended up fighting and I rehomed one of them that I renamed Smudge.
My friend had a pair of dwarf hammies cos the pet shop said they could live happily together and shouldn't live alone! (PAH) They ended up fighting and I rehomed one of them that I renamed Smudge.
Oh gosh! ☹️ I think I remember only if they’re really young as if they’re raised together it would be okay but it’s not worth the risk is it. ☹️ Lucky Smudge to come and be with you! 💕
Unseperated sibling pairs of dwarfs can work, but the fallout rate is pretty high and sadly when they decide they don't like each other it can end rather violently.
But as a single animal they make amazing pets.
Not had a hamster since I was a child, do they like company or to be alone? Just certain breeds like company. .?

Generally hamsters are very territorial and need to be housed alone. Sometimes dwarf hamster siblings together from birth can live together, but the fallout rate is high and can be ugly should fights take place. We had a single dwarf, but I can't picture her living with a sibling, she was like a cotton ball with the soul of an angry wolverine... really the most aggressive hamster we've ever had!