Splitting up the Piggies for a vet visit?


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 28, 2019
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Hi there!

I am taking one of my girls to the vets later for a pregnancy check. We rescued her last month and we have our worries that she might be pregnant!

We have 3 girls in total but I'm worrying that splitting them up for about a hour might be a bad thing to do?

I can't take a buddy with her because that would mean that one would be left alone in the cage.
They are all very close so I don't know how to go about this!

I could take all 3 but I don't know if that is the best option.

Please help me with this dilemma!

Thanks in advance :)
I have taken one pig to the vet, leaving one at home in the past. There was never a problem putting them back together again afterwards. Alternatively, if you have enough space in the carrier, you could take a friend/friends for moral support too!
As per Guineapigfeet's comment, I also take both my pigs even if only one is being seen too. My vet never seems to mind because they're small and not bothering anyone.
Most of my piggies are confident on their own and the vets isn't too far from me so I just take one along and have never had a problem reintroducing them. Even when Donald had to stay overnight to have an operation he went on his own and the 3 girls were fine with him when he came back
I also taken 1 to the vet and never been a problem.
You say a hour and thsts not a long time.
All the best at the vets x
Thanks to my newest pig, Caramel, I have five pigs instead of four, so I struggle with this dilemma, too!

When I got Caramel, I brought her and Tickles to the vet. Caramel for a checkup, and Tickles because I was worried about her feet. A few weeks later, I brought the remaining three for their checkups. Cuddles was being very, very bratty at the time, really wanting to move up in the hierarchy now that it was being reconfigured to accommodate Caramel. It was so bad that I even worried she could have a health problem causing it.

Due to this, I put her in a carrier all by herself, rather than in with Frolic and Bliss. This was a mistake on my part. I'll never do that again. She was soooo scared all alone. I gave her some hay to munch on, but she didn't want any of it. I gave her a scrap of fleece to hide under. She didn't bother with it. She seemed to be running wild inside the carrier due to her fear. It was so hard to see. :soz:

Because of this experience, I recommend bringing all three of them.
I try and take a friend when possible and when I had 3 pigs, I took all 3. However, when one of them needed to go the vets for the day as they had a whiff of gas to be x rayed, I only took the one and she was perfectly fine and the other two welcomed her home
How did you get on at the vets?
Thanks for asking!
Caramel had her pregnancy confirmed via ultrasound. Poor lass got pregnant at the shelter before we got her. She's only young too! I ended up taking her alone. Reintroduceing her to the other girls was no issue 😊
Honestly I'm very confused about the whole situation. I know how dangerous and life threatening pregnancy can be for them so I really hope she will be okay! Considering she is only 13 weeks old herself.
If she has a sow pup then we will most likely keep the said pup. Do you have any ideas what we could do with the pups otherwise?
Although pregnancy can be dangerous for such a young mum it won’t necessarily be so.
Your girl stands a good chance of being fine as she is receiving the best of care.
One of my girls was also a very young mum - so I was told. She was fine and I now have her and her daughter.
Tricky decision on what to do with the babies.
Once they arrive you will have up to 3 weeks to make a decision so you will know how many and what sex you are dealing with.
Where are you located?
That might help point you in the right direction
Velvet was only around 16 weeks old when she had her babies. She got pregnant at the breeders and she was and still is fine. I'm sure Caramel will be fine too. She is getting good care and a good diet