Splitting up, new friends & housing.. HELP


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
We’ve got an old boy pig and a baby boy pig.. bonded them but baby boy is bullying old boy now. He’s hogging all the food and constantly annoying the old boy. The old boy is losing weight as a result and I am now feeding separately and got him on critical care. I work full time though so can’t keep an eye during the day.
Considering buying a new house for the old one and getting a new friend for the baby but keeping them all in the same room so the old boy can still smell the others but have his space and food.. would this work with 3 boars in the same room? At the moment they are together in a 2x5 c&c.
If you do decide to separate them, is there a way you could have your old boy living side by side to your baby boy and his new friend so that they can still interact? Having 3 boys (not living together as 3 boars together will end in fights) living in the same room will not cause problems. It's only when you throw sows in to the mix that problems occur
It definitely sounds as if they are not compatible so splitting them up is the best thing.
Finding a new friend for the baby is also the best thing to do. Your older piggy can live in his own cage but it needs to be alongside the other piggy(s) so he still has full interaction through the bars.
Yes that is my plan, to have him in a cage by himself at the side of the other two. My other worry is what if the new pair don’t get on!
The best way to find a compatible friend is with the help of a rescue centre - that way you aren’t left with an incompatible pair
Hello Lymaine sounds like you’ve got this sorted. A rescue will help find a suitable friend for young piggy and older piggy will still have the interaction but without the hassle
I agree, rescues are the best place to go, ask if they do boar dating, bear in mind that it’s character compatibility not age that makes a good match Good Luck