Split Up Or Persevere....?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 25, 2016
Reaction score
Warrington UK
I've posted previously about my rescue of three boars, and lack of education as to why this was, despite the 'rescue centres' advice not a good idea.

However we have tried our best to give them the best chance of success.

And so far it's been okay the odd rumbling and teeth chattering but nothing major.

However I noticed a little bit of fur in the change this morning and then during thier routine grooming found a bit on the youngest back end, there was no blood on him or the cage but it had broke the skin.

I don't want to see the baby cast out as potentially a single Boar but I don't want him or any of them getting hurt.

I'm looking at setting up an outdoor area for them with a two tier cage and tunnels to two different grass runs I think more space may help but now Doug has been bitten I'm not sure if I should carry on

I think unless blood is shed then maybe persevere. What kind of cage set up do you have? 3 boars would need a lot of space to get away from each other.

If it is clear that it will never work, can you keep the 3 of them side by side so they can still see and smell each other but not hurt one another?
They have a C&C cage at the moment it's not as big as I would like to be its an odd shape to fit into our dining room but it's approximately a 4x3 we have far more room outside which is why I'm looking to set up a hit of a piggy play maze outside that they can stay in weather permitting.

Most of the time they are fine it's like sibling squabbling usually I had hopes they would defy the odds and be a happy trio
Personally I think that may be a bit on the small side for 3 boars, especially if they aren't that close, mor space may help resolve the tension between them.

I'd keep trying for now unless it's clear that the pigs are unhappy/depressed/stop eating with the set up. Seperating them then re introducing does more harm as it causes the process of bonding and working out the hierarchy to start all over again.
I would keep a close eye on them; it is getting border line. If in doubt, you can separate overnight; if the boar in question is perking up noticeably on his own away from the others, you know that the bond is no longer functional; if he wants to be with his comrades, then let him back. However, you can't do this trial too often, or you contribute to destabilising it further. More tips in here:
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

We all wish that our piggies get on; but they often have got their own ideas and personalities.

if the skin is broken, but you don't have the needle type deep bite wounds, then please disinfect with sterile saline. You are still in with a chance although it is getting slimmer.
Thanks, I have cleaned it all up, they where all sharing some Kale before without any upset and they're all napping now.

I don't think they appear at breaking point I was actually surprised to see the bite on him, I think more space is a priority now.
Thanks, I have cleaned it all up, they where all sharing some Kale before without any upset and they're all napping now.

I don't think they appear at breaking point I was actually surprised to see the bite on him, I think more space is a priority now.

Yeah I'd imagine more space will ease the tension so when things heat up they can get away from each other. That's good news though that they're still able to get on just now
It is a good thing that they still get on, so the kin scrape is either just an accident or caused by something else.

Please be aware that any new territory triggers a new hierarchy sort-out, so you have to brace yourself for some dominance behaviour with your new set-up.
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