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spitting out baytril


Forum Donator 2023/24
Apr 3, 2022
Reaction score
so my other half has been giving della her meds the last few days but unfortunately she really plays up for him and makes it extremely hard, she then spits out the baytril and he has no idea how much she is even taking. my first concern is how much is this going to effect her course? does this completely void the last two weeks on it? my second worry is the baytril coming into contact with her skin! shes got it all down the front of her and simply won’t let me wipe it off.. is there anything i can do?
Are you making sure to put it far enough back in her mouth, she may not like it but you need to make sure you are going behind the teeth and she should not be able to spit it out.
Baytril is the worst tasting antibiotic and unfortunately the most common, best working one for piggies.

I think if you are really struggling you can maybe try some fruit juice, perhaps squeezing some juice from a fresh orange as I would not be so sure about the artificial and additives in bought juice, but you would need to be careful with how much and how often you are giving such as fruit is high in sugar.
I believe some people also use diluten ribena.
There is a bit about such in this guide - All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

The effect on her course depends on how long this has been going on, her not getting all her medication. If you are worried I would definetly bring it up with her vet and you may need to extend her course.
Are you making sure to put it far enough back in her mouth, she may not like it but you need to make sure you are going behind the teeth and she should not be able to spit it out.
Baytril is the worst tasting antibiotic and unfortunately the most common, best working one for piggies.

I think if you are really struggling you can maybe try some fruit juice, perhaps squeezing some juice from a fresh orange as I would not be so sure about the artificial and additives in bought juice, but you would need to be careful with how much and how often you are giving such as fruit is high in sugar.
I believe some people also use diluten ribena.
There is a bit about such in this guide - All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

The effect on her course depends on how long this has been going on, her not getting all her medication. If you are worried I would definetly bring it up with her vet and you may need to extend her course.
i believe i’ve got the hang of it, it was just these last few days i’ve been unable to be here for her medicine time so my boyfriends been doing it..

thanks so much!
I would guess it is his technique that needs checking then. He needs to make sure he gets the syringe back far enough.
Give the meds and then follow it up with something tasty before she can try to spit it out. You can mix it with something nicer tasting to hide the horrible taste of the baytril but then you have a larger volume of liquid to get in
I would guess it is his technique that needs checking then. He needs to make sure he gets the syringe back far enough.
Give the meds and then follow it up with something tasty before she can try to spit it out. You can mix it with something nicer tasting to hide the horrible taste of the baytril but then you have a larger volume of liquid to get in