Special treat


Adult Guinea Pig
May 18, 2024
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
My boys eat coriander, lettuce, cucumber and pepper daily.

Last week they had wheatgrass, dill and basil for a treat.

I wanted to get them something special today, any ideas?

They don't like zucchini/courgette.
Mine love hay cookies or forage mixed in with their hay. Tonight they will be getting butterhead lettuce and a little bit of baby spinach as a treat. Baby corn always goes down well and a little broccoli stalk too.
And of course the ultimate treat........pea flakes!
My original 5 piggies below would only eat courgette/zucchini if it was peeled first - fussy little things!

All 5 in line up.webp
From left to right we have:-
Cutey Pie Dennis, The Ever Beautiful Betsy,:yikes::yikes: DA BOSS :yikes: :yikes: Velvet, Silver Fox Christian and Shy Little Meg
My piggies love pea flakes, fresh grass, strawberries, and carrots. Maybe your boys would like those also as a treat.
Mine always thought cucumber was a great treat even though it was fed regularly.
Pea flakes and forage were well received treats.
A hay cookie was also regarded as a great treat.
Never tried fennel. I'll have to give it a go and see if my 3 like it.
I give them the fennel plant fronds not the fennel root vegetable. You buy a small plant from garden centre and plant in your garden, it grows back every year, it then flowers and after that you cut it back to 2” from the ground and wait for next spring for it to start growing new shoots

That’s what it looks like
Foeniculum vulgare 'Giant Bronze' - bronze fennel or Foeniculum vulgare 'Giant Bronze'
I thought the boys would really dig some carrot today, so I bought one for 29 cents. Chez took one bite then came to the bars to beg for something better! Stripe ate his.

Also got some basil, they kind of like it but they get sick of it after 3 leaves each.

Of course I got the four standard, too.
You will find their tastes change as they get older. Mine always loved basil but wouldn't eat mint or dill when young, now they go nuts for either.
Got some bargains at the supermarket today, posh lettuce, beetroot (Sir George "YAY", Master Boris "I'll eat a little bit") and the normally expensive treat peppers.