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Spay & hernia


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
We've had a stressful week. Turns out Pumpkin's on and off squeaking when weeing was a mass in the uterus effecting the bladder which showed up on an x-ray on Friday. She wasn't great under anaesthetic so surgery was on Monday instead. But I was aware she may not come home, I signed a euthanasia form & said goodbye incase cancer had spread. Thankfully my vet who is very piggy savvy has removed her uterus which was rather large. She was suddenly deteriorating last night and it turned out she had a hernia. It's been repaired. She has come home and jumped out the carrier which is absolutely not what she should be doing 😬😬. Praying it stays fixed. It's great she is feeling much better though!
Thank you. I'm getting quite stressed about her jump, it was big and I've been told to be very careful . She's got more stitches in to try and prevent a reoccurrence! So let's hope she's fine. 😬