Space heater/Radiator in a shed?

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New Born Pup
May 12, 2012
Reaction score
West Midlands
So as you all know, winter is just around the corner and its beginning to get chilly! At the moment I have a snuggle safe heat pad which I heat up and put in the cage twice a day. I have four guineas so I don’t feel that this is enough. So I was thinking about buying a space heater or plug in radiator. I’ve been advised that space heaters are quite dangerous if left unsupervised. so would you think something like this would be appropriate?;

Obviously I wouldn't put it in the cage, the cage is raised of the floor and I would position the heater on the floor.

I'm wondering if you think this is a good idea or if any of you do a similar thing.

Thanks for reading and please let me know what you think of the idea :))
Oil filled radiators are safe to use but you would need to maintain a constant temperature or have a thermostat so the heater kicks in when the temp drops below a certain point. It would also be worthwhile insulating your shed if you are going to heat it because an uninsulated shed will lose the heat pretty quickly (essentially it's more economical). Do you use hutch covers or anything like that to keep warmth in the hutch?
They are not in a hutch, it's sort of like a c&c cage but instead of grids, i used mesh and a wooden 'frame'. How would i go about insulating my shed?
Mine are in a shed too (C&C et up)and I have an oil filled radiator which works wonders!

I also insulate the shed with this:

It also helps keep the shed cool in the summer too. Just cut to size and staple gun on..I did walls and ceiling...its like a space station now!

In addition (a recommendation from the forum) I also bought some of these:
'Interlocking Soft Foam, Floor Tiles, Floor Mats, Garage Floor Mats WOODGRAIN' on Ebay. They insulate the floor beautifully.

I now find the shed it cozier than the house!
I have an oil filled heater in my shed, its fab :)
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