Sows that have fallen out - grumpy pigs!

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Mar 26, 2008
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Are they ever predicatable?!?! Here I was thinking the girls (Coco, 15 weeks) and Jellybean (11 weeks) were getting on like a house on fire after 3 week together, and suddenly as of last night, Coco got kicked out of the hutch sleeping compartment and they are now at a standoff at opposite sides of the hutch! Last night I thought it was going to get serious with Coco 'growling' and weaving, and as of this morning, they are still falling out with each other - although no actual harm done as yet. Do these things happen often, and if so, does it blow over after it has got to this stage!
Pigs eh! :P
think they are just seeing who is boss, mind you jessie is nearly 2 and she still bosses and humps zoe all the time. perhaps get 2 of everything and see if things settle down. they do say(a man i bet said that) that girls fight like cats. watch them closely and only seperate if blood is drawn or if one (like zoe did) gets stressed. if cage is big enough you could try halving it so they can see and smell eachother. hoping your :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: girls calm down soon and are good friends again. :smitten:
thanks. I hope they make friends soon, as I feel really sorry for Coco, who tries again and again to get back into the sleeping compartment and is stopped by Jellybean. I have made up a snuggle area of hay and fleece in the outer part of the hutch, but it can't be as nice for her as there's not much space. I'm just glad the hutch is still indoors, or she'd be cold. I can't think what else to do to try and sort it out!
you could try going to a rescue with your girls and get a male that is fixed. maybe this will calm your girls down. how big is your cage? have you 2 of everything? alot of people here suggest bathing piggies together, scrub out the hutch/cage so everything is clean and has no smell on it. and try them that way, if that doesn't work others say to get the picked on one in this case coco and rub her in jellybeans scent so coco will smell of jelly bean. hoping i have been of some help. good luck and keep me posted. sending hugs to you all :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: my girls send :-* :-* :-*
It's big enough for 2, but not 3, and finances mean I have to stick to this hutch for now, so I'll perhaps try the scent method and see if that works (poor Coco, she'll really love me!). The hutch is actually a 2 storey one, which would be good if they could get used to the ramp. They will go up it, but not back down, but thats another issue ;)
I have 2 of most things, but over the two levels, because the top part of the hutch has a large chunk of it taken up with the sleeping compartment, and then of course a part of it is the ramp space as well. I wish sometimes I'd just got a huge one level hutch, but its too late now!
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