Sows in Spring!


New Born Pup
Jul 23, 2020
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Is spring fever just a boat thing or can it affect sows too? My girls have both had strong seasons in the last couple of weeks that seem to have sparked a rejig of the hierarchy. Could it be the time of year?
I should add my girls already live side by side because they are territorial, this is arguing through their barrier!
Is spring fever just a boat thing or can it affect sows too? My girls have both had strong seasons in the last couple of weeks that seem to have sparked a rejig of the hierarchy. Could it be the time of year?
I should add my girls already live side by side because they are territorial, this is arguing through their barrier!


Spring is gnerally not as pronounced in sows as in boars. The wild ancestor species from which our domestic guinea pigs have been bred out from thousands of years ago (montane guinea pig/cavia tschudii) use to have a distinct breeding season from Spring to Autumn with about 3-4 litters.

This instinct is still somewhat present in boars although domestic guinea pigs have evolved to breed any time they are given the opportunity and have become nonstop breeding machines from weaning age until they die, usually at a much older age than wild guinea pigs.
This accounts why especially sows after the end of the normal pup bearing age (ca. 2-3 years, which coincides with the average life span in wild guinea pigs) become a lot more prone to develop ovarian cysts since their hormone output never slows down - there was no biological need since only a small minority of wild guinea pigs will live longer to about 8 years maximum. It is estimated that around 80% of sows will have ovarian cysts although the majority will go unnoticed and never cause any symptoms and problems since most of them are non-hormonal fluid-filled cysts and not hormonal ovarian cysts.
Since you haven't mentioned your sows' age I cannot say whether ovarian cysts/female hormones could be in play or not. Hormonal cysts can make an appearance from about 18 months onwards although very occasionally, they can turn up earlier.

Here is more information on strong seasons and ovarian cysts: Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)