Sows Excluding Their Sister

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New Born Pup
Apr 26, 2016
Reaction score
East Sussex, UK
i have 4 sisters from the same litter, about a year old. for the past 4 weeks or so, 3 of them have been pushing the other out. they won't let her in the bed area, wouldn't let her eat from the veg bowl (until i split it into 3 separate bowls) and she's always on her own.

i'll give you an idea of the set up i have, in case that helps with any advice.

i have a 5 foot double height outside hutch. there is the main bed area filled with hay, and because the single gp wasn't being allowed in, i built other boxed in area downstairs and filled with hay so she could stay in there. but the 3 are now using that and not letting the single one in, and she's not using the upstairs bed area either. they have 3 separate veg bowls twice a day (same veg in each bowl). one pellet bowl (rosewood naturals meadow menu) and two areas with readi grass. they all go in a massive run on grass almost everyday, with lots of hideaways and a big hay bed area (like a wooden dog kennel). while outside, again the 3 won't let her go in any of the shelters if they are in it.

they haven't fought, but have had little upsets. like teeth chattering and nose banging. nothing to worry about, but she clearly hasn't got any friends. is there anything i can do? thank you
i have 4 sisters from the same litter, about a year old. for the past 4 weeks or so, 3 of them have been pushing the other out. they won't let her in the bed area, wouldn't let her eat from the veg bowl (until i split it into 3 separate bowls) and she's always on her own.

i'll give you an idea of the set up i have, in case that helps with any advice.

i have a 5 foot double height outside hutch. there is the main bed area filled with hay, and because the single gp wasn't being allowed in, i built other boxed in area downstairs and filled with hay so she could stay in there. but the 3 are now using that and not letting the single one in, and she's not using the upstairs bed area either. they have 3 separate veg bowls twice a day (same veg in each bowl). one pellet bowl (rosewood naturals meadow menu) and two areas with readi grass. they all go in a massive run on grass almost everyday, with lots of hideaways and a big hay bed area (like a wooden dog kennel). while outside, again the 3 won't let her go in any of the shelters if they are in it.

they haven't fought, but have had little upsets. like teeth chattering and nose banging. nothing to worry about, but she clearly hasn't got any friends. is there anything i can do? thank you

Sadly, once group dynamics turn sour, there is very little you can do within the group. this behaviour amounts to bullying. it doesn't matter that they are related; sisters can fall out the same as unrelated sows.

Please bring her inside during the current frosty UK nights if she is being kept out in the cold by the others! You can either find her a gentle character compatible companion of her own, ideally by dating at a rescue (can be either a neutered boar or a sow of any age) to live with them separately as a couple, create a separated area for her that the others cannot access (not quite satisfying, as she will be only have interaction through bars/mesh with her ex-mates or you will have to find her another home (again, speak to a rescue).

Group splits are always upsetting and very gutting. I have been through them, but have always ended up with having to take the piggy out as ultimately, no short term fixes have helped once a group or a leading piggy did turn on one of the group members. :(

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