Sow mounting other sows - how long?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jul 11, 2009
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One of my youngest guineas has been going about trying to mount a couple of the others who aren't all that happy about it.

Is it because she would be ready to mate if she were with a boar and how long will it last? I don't want her to fall out with her buddies! She's decided her favourite is one of the biggest who keeps rumbling all the time at her.

Any advice on this appreciated.
Bumping this up as I am not really sure. Is she definitely a she? I know when girls are in season, they can get narky, could be something to do with this. Any one? xx
Your little sow is most probably in season; her mounting should stop within a day. Some sows do try and mount other girls when in season, if their urge can't be met by a boar. With others, it can be part of a struggle for dominance.

Only if this happens more often than every two weeks or so, would I get worried! (A sow comes into season aboout every 15-16 days; she can be quite grumpy or - depending on the hormones - sexually agressive).
(To make 100% sure of her sex and allay any panic:

The other girls are usually not too fussed by it.
I check and double check the girls before they meet any of the others. I triple checked yesterday when i first noticed. Shes definitely a girl. Poor thing!

The 2 shes been doing it to have taken in okay(ish) theres been a bit of squeaking, maybe a nip and running off.

Not noticed anything this afternoon so could have passed. Fingers crossed, not ready to explain to my children whats happening!
Hmmmm! Yes, children... You'll probably have to stick with a "she just wants to play with the others..."

As she is safely a girl, you might expect this to happen only every now and then and never for more than a day; some girls seem to be more hormonal than others. It usually peters out when they are fully adult; I see it a bit like the hormonal swings in puberty.

The same happened with one of my first couple of sows. I was very worried that the smaller one might be a boy (and not even my vet being sure about her gender!). The explanation why the other never did it came when she promptly dropped a couple of babies on me! Bit of a steep learning curve...

I described my situation as having one girl that was a little bit to little female and one that was a bit too much female!
Mine do this to every now and then, its when they are in heat, my girls take turns in the mounting :))
It can also be noted that sows living together may find that their oestrus cycles occur at the same, or a similar, time - much the same as can happen sometimes with humans. So what would normally be 12-24 hours of rumbling and mounting could be multiplied by two or three and you'd have 2-3 days of hormonal behaviour. :))
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