Sow in season, question about lower rank piggie


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland

I was reading the bit on here about sows in season and watched the videos so I think Cleo is having a strong season going by the video

Ive never had female guinea pigs so this is a first for me.
Cleo is doing pretty much everything from the video, chasing, mounting etc to poor Jasmine. Bella has been completely ignored so I'm guessing she might be top dog.
Jasmine has allowed her a few times to mount her but usually runs away screaming and it seems to be constant with a couple of minutes here and there of peace and quiet

Ive noticed in the past few hours Jasmine seems to be standing up for herself ( which is understandable as she must be fed up with it), like she will spin round and face Cleo, lifting her chin a bit and screaming and Cleo will back off and run away. Is the normal for the lowest rank to stand up to them during this or is this going to lead to a fight?

Thanks in advance

I was reading the bit on here about sows in season and watched the videos so I think Cleo is having a strong season going by the video

Ive never had female guinea pigs so this is a first for me.
Cleo is doing pretty much everything from the video, chasing, mounting etc to poor Jasmine. Bella has been completely ignored so I'm guessing she might be top dog.
Jasmine has allowed her a few times to mount her but usually runs away screaming and it seems to be constant with a couple of minutes here and there of peace and quiet

Ive noticed in the past few hours Jasmine seems to be standing up for herself ( which is understandable as she must be fed up with it), like she will spin round and face Cleo, lifting her chin a bit and screaming and Cleo will back off and run away. Is the normal for the lowest rank to stand up to them during this or is this going to lead to a fight?

Thanks in advance


Take a deep breath - this is perfectly normal behaviour and there won't be a fight. Jasmine is fed up and complaining very loudly and vocally - and is effective with making her limits clear, as you have witnessed.
Just let them be but remove any huts and cosies with just one exit for the time being. It will be over by tonight.

The first really strong season is not for the faint-hearted, which is the reason why I have created the strong seasons thread with the videos to give reassurance. Sows are generally pretty tolerant about one-off hormonal extremes in their companions.

Take a deep breath - this is perfectly normal behaviour and there won't be a fight. Jasmine is fed up andcomplaining very loudly and vocally - and effective with making her limits clear, as you have witnessed.
Just let them be but remove any huts and cosies with just one exit for the time being. It will be over by tonight.

The first really strong season is not for the faint-hearted - which is why I have created that thread with the videos to give reassurance. Sows are generally pretty tolerant about one-off hormonal extremes in their companions.
Thank You.
Its strange going to bed and they are fine then to wake up to this lol
Honestly the videos made me feel better because I could see Cleos behaviour was normal and i knew it she was just in season and not bullying Jasmine but then Jasmine started to stand up for herself and I thought oh no is this going to lead to something more. Lol
Just imagine having a room full of sows/mixed gender groups with a 3 days long mega-season as the high pheromone output will trigger every single sow close enough in her oestrus cycle before it fizzles out.

Sows in a group will mount the next lower ranked sow (or next higher if they are at the bottom) and if needed, even their rather discombulated husboar until they are ready for the actual mating. I have seen 'mounting trains' of about four piggies mounting the one in front with the poor boy running behind them (I sadly wasn't quick enough with the camera) on one or two occasions during these mega-seasons. I am always glad when they are over (and so are the piggies). And when those seasons happen at a time of the year you can have your windows open! Thankfully, they don't happen too often.

If you happen to have an adult (typically middle-aged) sow who seems to be in a permanent strong season, please have her checked for hormonal ovarian cysts. This will not just be hard on her (weight loss) but stresses out the whole group over time.
Just imagine having a room full of sows/mixed gender groups with a 3 days long mega-season as the high pheromone output will trigger every single sow close enough in her oestrus cycle before it fizzles out.

Sows in a group will mount the next lower ranked sow (or next higher if they are at the bottom) and if needed, even their rather discombulated husboar until they are ready for the actual mating. I have seen 'mounting trains' of about four piggies mounting the one in front with the poor boy running behind them (I sadly wasn't quick enough with the camera) on one or two occasions during these mega-seasons. I am always glad when they are over (and so are the piggies). And when those seasons happen at a time of the year you can have your windows open! Thankfully, they don't happen too often.

If you happen to have an adult (typically middle-aged) sow who seems to be in a permanent strong season, please have her checked for hormonal ovarian cysts. This will not just be hard on her (weight loss) but stresses out the whole
I dont know how you do it haha

I will keep an eye on her. Its calmed down quite a bit since this morning so its been nice and peaceful apart from the odd scream from Jasmine

Thank you again for your advice
I dont know how you do it haha

I will keep an eye on her. Its calmed down quite a bit since this morning so its been nice and peaceful apart from the odd scream from Jasmine

Thank you again for your advice

Sounds like the worst is over and things will have fully settled down later this afternoon.