Sow Has Changed Attitude Towards Me Since Cagemates Death

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 30, 2010
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Bumble lost one of his two wives Bea a couple of weeks ago - his other wife Honey was very closely bonded with Bea - coming to us as spayed sows from Rugby rabbit and guinea pig welfare 4 1/2 years ago.Honey has always raced to the bars to be fed by me,been the underpig of the trio and never lets Bumble mount her - she used to groom Bea all the time,never groom Bumble and Bea would occasionally groom her back.Every time I used to try and stroke Honey she would moan her head off and give me the same treatment as she gives Bumble - but since Bea has died she will now let me stroke her and pet her without complaining,but she still moans at Bumble whenever he tries to get frisky - am I now seen as a substitute sow?
The loss of a companion can change the hierarchy and also the way a piggy interacts. Glad for you that things have gone the nice and not the other way for you!
A similar thing happened with my benson when stan died.

The 2 of them were brothers and stan was very confident from day one. Benson was much quieter and, whereas stan was desperate to come out of the cage or hutch, benson always went to a corner to be picked up (and actually sometimes chose a corner where he knew he was out of reach!)

Then when stan died, benson totally changed and just sat waiting to be picked up and just seemed very calm.

He was like this for only about 3 weeks however before he reverted back to his usual behaviour.

Maybe he was a little quieter in his bereavement.

Was nice while it lasted!
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