Sow Bonding

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Senior Guinea Pig
Feb 9, 2016
Reaction score
Binfield, berkshire
l am trying to bond 2 sows with another 4. At first it was going OK then all of a sudden, the 2 new sows started to jump up, head butt the older ones then fall to the ground. I discontinued straight away. What was going on? Do I just assume it won't work?
I have read the bonding thread, but l'm not sure if it covered this.
l am trying to bond 2 sows with another 4. At first it was going OK then all of a sudden, the 2 new sows started to jump up, head butt the older ones then fall to the ground. I discontinued straight away. What was going on? Do I just assume it won't work?
I have read the bonding thread, but l'm not sure if it covered this.

This thread here covers it. Your two top sows are currently working out which comes top. Leave them be; it can take several rounds of chinning, lunging and teeth chattering. A bonding fails if the losing sow will not accept it. You may need to separate overnight and start again tomorrow. if things are noticeably calmer soon after you put them together, then all is well. If tension mounts up quickly and there are hostilities, then I would call off the merger.
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
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