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Sow bleeding from vulva


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 15, 2015
Reaction score
Saffron walden
I have a friend whose sow has been very bloated / off her food recently.
Bit of back ground, She has a history of having a few lumps which could be cancerous but she had a big one removed from her head, but she’s lived a few years longer than they expected anyway.

So tonight she takes a turn for the worst.
Thick blood which doesn’t look like wee… and also a little lump on her vulva which my friend hasn’t noticed before.
I thought it was a penis but she’s definitely a girl!
Vet didn’t seem too concerned about the lump, but tonight she’s started bleeding on and off.
booked in for X-ray and scan on Friday but I said don’t leave it that long.
Unfortunately her good guinea pig vet is only in certain days!

Any advice please x


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I have a friend whose sow has been very bloated / off her food recently.
Bit of back ground, She has a history of having a few lumps which could be cancerous but she had a big one removed from her head, but she’s lived a few years longer than they expected anyway.

So tonight she takes a turn for the worst.
Thick blood which doesn’t look like wee… and also a little lump on her vulva which my friend hasn’t noticed before.
I thought it was a penis but she’s definitely a girl!
Vet didn’t seem too concerned about the lump, but tonight she’s started bleeding on and off.
booked in for X-ray and scan on Friday but I said don’t leave it that long.
Unfortunately her good guinea pig vet is only in certain days!

Any advice please x


I am very sorry.

Please contact the out of hours services and then contact your vets first thing tomorrow morning.

Acute bleeding is an emergency. Bleeding from the vulva may indicate something serious going wrong in the reproductive tract, potentially a burst cancerous ovarian cyst). The bloating was likely a reaction to the pain/pressure radiating from the reproductive tract into the gut as it wraps close it.

All the necessary information can be found via this access link: Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

Fingers very firmly crossed. I wish I had better news.
She just said, it’s not constant bleeding it comes and goes but only started tonight.
The sow seems slightly happier and is eating at the moment. I’m pretty sure she has loxicom on hand too.
I’ve told her to call the vets first thing x