Sow being horrid to her cage mate

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Jan 6, 2007
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My two Sows have always lived together they are now ten months old. Now and again the have a little fall out but are soon friends again. Last night though the bossy one started chasing the other during floor time. When I put them back into the cage all was not well Bumble was be scared witless by Hamish(yes she has a boys name my son picked it) Bumble sorted of hissed at her the sound was like when you open your mouth and say ahh :-\ I have never seen anything like it she normally sprays when they have a fall out. Hamish has never been this bad she just kept going at Bumble so much and Bumble looked so scared.
Now as Bumble clearly was not happy I have put her in a box on her own and she seems happier. Has anyone come across anything like this before and did the sows end up being separated permenantly? Help
I call mine my "boys" but they are girls.

Sometimes Scarby can be quite horrible to Rocky, growling and snapping, aand generally frightening Rocky. Two nights ago I heard Rocky crying so I had to get up and cuddle Rocky for a while.
My Sylvie got a bit like that, but no hissing. She is just a very dominant girl & needed a boy pig to put her in her place - which worked. Now they're like an old married couple - & she def has the upper hand!
A little update I put them back together and all was fine for about four hours, Then Hamish went at her again quite nasty so out she came and was shaking. I really am baffled by it all never in all my piggie years, have I or my husband seen sows do anything like this before. Tomorrow I think I am going to try the vicks on the bum. I have some vicks thats a very mild one suitable for young babies. Will let you know if it works.
Lucinda said:
I call mine my "boys" but they are girls.

Sometimes Scarby can be quite horrible to Rocky, growling and snapping, aand generally frightening Rocky. Two nights ago I heard Rocky crying so I had to get up and cuddle Rocky for a while.

What does a guinea pig crying sound like?
I have a sow that can only live as a group, as a pair she bullied her cage mate so perhaps Hamish might be happy in a bigger group, maybe even consider a neutered boar to keep the peace? :)

Has anything changed to maybe start this? cage, eating habits, health...
Billies Mum said:
Lucinda said:
I call mine my "boys" but they are girls.

Sometimes Scarby can be quite horrible to Rocky, growling and snapping, aand generally frightening Rocky. Two nights ago I heard Rocky crying so I had to get up and cuddle Rocky for a while.

What does a guinea pig crying sound like?
Beks said:
I have a sow that can only live as a group, as a pair she bullied her cage mate so perhaps Hamish might be happy in a bigger group, maybe even consider a neutered boar to keep the peace? :)
I have a boar he is going to be Neutered as soon as he is old enough which will not be for a few months yet though. All is well today the vicks has done the trick ;)
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