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Sore spots on Guinea and some black “flakes” found in fur on back


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 18, 2019
Reaction score
Northampton, UK
Hello, I have an almost 4 year old boar called Theo. He has a sore spot on each side of ear, one he seems to keep scratching and I was examined rest of his body and found some black flakes on his back. I’ve washed his sore spots with diluted hibi scrub and given him 0.2ml dog metacam. I will be making a vets appt tomorrow but wondering if anyone can shed light on what this could be? I’ve lost 2 board in under 10 months (one to old age and one got sick suddenly).

I have human Nizerol shampoo if this is a fungal issue? The black flakes don’t appear to be alive or moving. No other pigs have been introduced to the house.

Please help


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Poor boy - it looks sore.

I would strongly advise against doing anything else until he sees a vet.
This clearly needs a hands on examination, so please do not clean him or use creams or lotions. These will simply mask the symptoms and make diagnosis harder.
A vets appointment is really the way forward.
Poor boy - it looks sore.

I would strongly advise against doing anything else until he sees a vet.
This clearly needs a hands on examination, so please do not clean him or use creams or lotions. These will simply mask the symptoms and make diagnosis harder.
A vets appointment is really the way forward.
Ok thank you. I thought I’d someone said it was mites or ringworm. He seems happy in himself… just doesn’t want the ears touched. I’ll update thread after I’ve been to vet. Thanks
found some black flakes on his back
Black flakes were gently removed with a nit comb and hibi scrub was used as he had a sore spot on his back few months ago (minus the black spots) and vet told me to use hibi scrub once a day. I thought maybe sore spots had come back but this time it’s with black flakes
Good luck at the vets. They will be able to prescribe the correct treatment. I had a piggy with mites who had sores like this. I’m sure it’s something easily treated.
Good luck at the vets. They will be able to prescribe the correct treatment. I had a piggy with mites who had sores like this. I’m sure it’s something easily treated.
. Thank you, I feel better knowing someone else thinks it mites too. I’ve had 6 guinea pigs past 7 years and none have had mites before. Guessing they’ve come in with hay as he’s not even been out yet as UK weather is still very cold. I thought mites would be alive and moving?
. Thank you, I feel better knowing someone else thinks it mites too. I’ve had 6 guinea pigs past 7 years and none have had mites before. Guessing they’ve come in with hay as he’s not even been out yet as UK weather is still very cold. I thought mites would be alive and moving?

You won’t see mites moving - you won’t see mites at all - they are too small. All you can see is their evidence - eggs stuck in the fur usually around the back end, scratching, hair loss etc.
There are two different types of mites.
Piggies tend to carry mites on their skin all the time but they are kept in check by a functioning immune system. If the immune system is compromised through illness or stress then the mites can take hold.
So, it doesn’t always have to be because of hay (hay mites) and nothing to do with going outside.
Of course, the vet can tell you what you are dealing with - whether it is mites or not

Definitely do not bathe him or use anything on him until you’ve seen a vet - doing so can hide the evidence a vet needs for diagnosis.

Nizoral is harsh on their skin and should only be a used where no appropriate vet care is available (won’t be an issue in the UK) to treat it more appropriately

New Guinea Pig Problems: Sexing & Pregnancy; URI, Ringworm & Parasites; Vet Checks & Customer Rights
You won’t see mites moving - you won’t see mites at all - they are too small. All you can see is their evidence - eggs stuck in the fur usually around the back end, scratching, hair loss etc

Definitely do not bathe him or use anything on him until you’ve seen a vet - doing so can hide the evidence a vet needs for diagnosis.
Nizoral is harsh on their skin and should only be a used where no appropriate vet care is available (won’t be an issue in the UK) to treat it more appropriately

Thank you so much. No I wouldn’t use without vet saying so, just wanted to check if it was ringworm as I’ve read on threads here where it’s suggested it can be used… I did think it was mites. He’s made himself very sore too with all the scratching and has been bleeding.

I’m calling the vets soon as they open so will update thread. Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it xx
Thank you so much. No I wouldn’t use without vet saying so, just wanted to check if it was ringworm as I’ve read on threads here where it’s suggested it can be used… I did think it was mites. He’s made himself very sore too with all the scratching and has been bleeding.

I’m calling the vets soon as they open so will update thread. Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it xx

Ive just briefly edited my post (must have crossed with your reply) to add in a guide and a bit more information on the types of mites.

We can’t say whether it is or isn’t ringworm - but as you said you have used hibiscrub then it changes the way the skin looks. You wouldn’t want to use nizoral anyway given there are better treatments for fungal and ringworm
Ive just briefly edited my post (must have crossed with your reply) to add in a guide and a bit more information on the types of mites.

We can’t say whether it is or isn’t ringworm - but as you said you have used hibiscrub then it changes the way the skin looks. You wouldn’t want to use nizoral anyway given there are better treatments for fungal and ringworm

Only used hibi scrub once for 10 seconds to clean the blood off; he had a bald patch on his back last November so I thought it was same issue. Only after further examining him, I saw the black flakes close to his skin and scattered within fur. Use a nit comb in long part of fur and left the ones near skin Incase he’s sore there. Didn’t use hibi on his back spot so vet Dan take a look. He’s booking in for appt at 3.30 so fingers crossed.

How do they get ringworm? None of his human family have it and he doesn’t share a cage with other guineas and no other pets? Can thru develop ring worm?
Only used hibi scrub once for 10 seconds to clean the blood off; he had a bald patch on his back last November so I thought it was same issue. Only after further examining him, I saw the black flakes close to his skin and scattered within fur. Use a nit comb in long part of fur and left the ones near skin Incase he’s sore there. Didn’t use hibi on his back spot so vet Dan take a look. He’s booking in for appt at 3.30 so fingers crossed.

How do they get ringworm? None of his human family have it and he doesn’t share a cage with other guineas and no other pets? Can thru develop ring worm?

Ringworm is typically a new piggy issue so it might not be ringworm in this case but ringworm spores can live in the environment for years and be blown in, in on shoes etc as it also affects wild animals
Ringworm is typically a new piggy issue so it might not be ringworm in this case but ringworm spores can live in the environment for years and be blown in, in on shoes etc as it also affects wild animals

Thank you, I’m learning new things everyday! Not sure what the lesser of 2 evils is between mites and ringworm although mites sound quicker to resolve?
Theo has mites. Mild case. But vet said to carry on with hibi scrub as he’s made himself very sore. To use a barrier cream and has told me to use Xeno 450 once every 2 weeks for 6 weeks.

He also has been given baytril for a respiratory infection as I noticed he’s sneezing a lot and has a runny nose.

Thanks everyone :)