Soon To Be Piggie Owner

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New Born Pup
Jun 21, 2014
Reaction score
Essex , UK
Hi I'm aloud to get two guinea pigs possibly 3 and of course I do have a few questions first off 1. Should I get boys or girls and how many ? 2. What names would be good I'm really bad at picking names because I want something I haven't heard before and it has to just automatically click with my two cats Gracie and Charlie I was thinking for girls Bubbles and Pebbles or Bubbles and Marshmellow and for boys Harley and Pippin I love the name Pippin 3. I have two cats Gracie and Charlie and they both like catching fish and birds and mouse which I'm worried that they might get my new piggies since I have to have them outside I have had fish inside that they could have easily got however they haven't been that interested at first they would jump up on the kitchen countertop and look but they haven't really been interested however what about the run? also we have had foxes in our garden and just sat and slept but they don't come in our garden any more however I have seen them come by our road but I am getting a fox proof cover however is it really fox proof obviously it will be thermoel 4. In the summer should I put the cover on invade it's too hot but the cats and foxes also we aren't the only people with cats in the winter we are putting them in out garage that's outside but with a plastic roof and foxes can't get through sorry for long message over than that I know everything and I'm fully prepared I just need to get the things now and save up another £80 thanks x
Hello and welcome! how exciting that you are getting your first piggies :)

Firstly, piggies are very sociable and so at least 1 piggie is preferable. If you go to your local rescue they will be able to introduce you to the piggies they have at present. You would also need a homecheck but there are so many piggies in rescue that it would be lovely if you could give 2 from there a home!

With regards to accomodation, for security, safety and warmth in winter, have you thought of buying a playhouse or shed? both of these could be insulated to keep the piggies warm.
Hi :wel:to the forum..

We have removed your duplicate thread in the "introduce yourself section" as its easier for fellow members to post to 1 thread and not both.

As we have members from all over the world,can you please add your location to your profile as it helps fellow members give any answers to your questions that may be area/country specific. This can be done by clicking on your username, then personal details, then add location......

If you are in the UK we highly recommend that have a look at the forums rescue locator at the top of the main menu page. By adopting piggies from a rescue you can guarantee Healthy bonded piggies, ongoing support - and with regard to Sows not pregnant, something which can't be guaranteed obtaining from pet shops or breeders.

Lisa & Ali..
Hi and welcome!

Please get two guinea pigs; if possible already bonded ones. The best place to get some is a reputable rescue with a mandatory quarantine, a pregnancy watch and guinea pigs that have been bonded with chraracter compatibility in mind for a stable, happy relationship. We have got a good standard rescue locator on the top bar for our UK members and can provide recommendations for our US and Canadian members as well as Australian members.

Two guinea pigs should have a minimum of 2x4 ft ground space. It is good that you are doing your research first! Trios can be tricky and baby boar trios have a fall-out risk of about 90% during the first year. Guinea pigs are group animals and are not wired to be on their own. Please also make sure that you guinea pigs are somewhere where they cannot be harrassed by your cats. They are prey animals.

One of the most important parts of your budget should be either (exotics) insurance or the building up of a vet fund; most guinea pigs need to see a vet at one point, often as an emergency, and a serious illness doesn't come cheap. if you are a minor, you need to talk this over with your parents so you or they can afford to pay for any necessary treatment. Illness comes never at a convenient time!

You can help us a lot by adding your country, state or (for the UK) your county to your details; that way, we can always give you appropriate advice and recommendations straight away by clicking on your username on the top bar, then going to personal details and location.

Here are some information threads that you may find helpful:
Hello and welcome! how exciting that you are getting your first piggies :)

Firstly, piggies are very sociable and so at least 1 piggie is preferable. If you go to your local rescue they will be able to introduce you to the piggies they have at present. You would also need a homecheck but there are so many piggies in rescue that it would be lovely if you could give 2 from there a home!

With regards to accomodation, for security, safety and warmth in winter, have you thought of buying a playhouse or shed? both of these could be insulated to keep the piggies warm.

I agree with Kate try and find a shed or something to put them in, in the winter.
As for if you should get males or females it dose not really matter because both males or females are very lovely I have both sexes and I love them all tho it is easier to get more females to live together but again it depends on the pigs.
If your not sure about names go online and look up cute guinea pig names or do you have a fav book, movie or tv show why not give them names from that. All my piggie names came from my favs books and tv shows.
If your worried about foxes or cats getting at them just make sure it's really secure where your putting them in or you might even wanna buy a shed now if you can afford it but if not then just make sure the hutch you get is secure.
Good luck and I can't wait to see pics of your babies.
So exciting
Hello and welcome! how exciting that you are getting your first piggies :)

Firstly, piggies are very sociable and so at least 1 piggie is preferable. If you go to your local rescue they will be able to introduce you to the piggies they have at present. You would also need a homecheck but there are so many piggies in rescue that it would be lovely if you could give 2 from there a home!

With regards to accomodation, for security, safety and warmth in winter, have you thought of buying a playhouse or shed? both of these could be insulated to keep the piggies warm.
I personally would love a shed / playhouse as my neighbour has guinea pigs and rabbits in a playhouse however my garden isn't huge it's hard to explain simage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpimage.webpWhere the white table is where the hutch will go the white cat is Charlie also I have 2 sheds and garages all ready and my parents don't want me to have a playhouse


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My mum and dad has a friend who builds things so he might build me a custom made hutch that has a cupboard where I can put guinea pig things then a two tier hutch on top I don't know yet I might draw what it looks like
You should definitely get two, I would recommend boys because they are less shy and more outgoing. I would get an indoor cage. About the names, I named my boys Milo and Gio(geo). Just a couple of ideas. But you should name your piggies what ever you want to name them. They are your piggies, I won't judge you or them based of names, so name them whatever you want. Your cats, don't worry about it if you have a lid, and secure enough walls. If your piggies can't get out, and you have a lid they should be fine. Good luck and welcome to the forum! :wel::cool:
You should definitely get two, I would recommend boys because they are less shy and more outgoing. I would get an indoor cage. About the names, I named my boys Milo and Gio(geo). Just a couple of ideas. But you should name your piggies what ever you want to name them. They are your piggies, I won't judge you or them based of names, so name them whatever you want. Your cats, don't worry about it if you have a lid, and secure enough walls. If your piggies can't get out, and you have a lid they should be fine. Good luck and welcome to the forum! :wel::cool:
Thanks the problem is my mum wont let them in the house i dont know why i think its cause she think they smell as bad as anything which is not true but they would go in my room but i do prefer them inside and having a custom made cage but they apparently according to my mum they have to be outside
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