Sonny & Dexter Are Now 14 Weeks & Loving The Garden


Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Portsmouth UK
Finally - my 14 week old bubbas are growing in confidence by the day & are now enjoying their evening play in the garden. Eating grass straight from the ground is the most fun ever!
I'm allowed to talk to them & everything! :D

(Sonny is black both sides of face & Dexter is half black & half ginger with a white botty :drool:




Stunners! they are growing so fast, just absolutely beautiful colourings on them
Stunners! they are growing so fast, just absolutely beautiful colourings on them
Thank you I think they are cuties, it's been hard work earning their trust but I'm making real progress now & it's so enjoyable.

They have grown massively! Sonny is much bigger than Dexter, I even had to double check his winky just in case as he has a real pot belly :))
Thank you I think they are cuties, it's been hard work earning their trust but I'm making real progress now & it's so enjoyable.

They have grown massively! Sonny is much bigger than Dexter, I even had to double check his winky just in case as he has a real pot belly :))
We are still struggling to tame of 6 month old. She is so fast.....
We are still struggling to tame of 6 month old. She is so fast.....
Yeah, why are some so fast? My Little Dude is the first up to the bars to see me, first to jump up on my knee when I've got food, even goes nose to nose with me for piggy kisses but the minute I put my hand on him he's off at the speed of light. I have to trap him in a hidey topick him up....then he's fine -weirdo. Lol
Aww they are so cute :love:

My Eileen is nearly 10 weeks old and a little . She is so fast and will not sit still for cuddles or lap time. She just wants to run around and explore everything while squeaking and popcorning. Yesterday she was particularly fascinated by a doorstop... :nod:
Lol. Funny the things they like. I've spent a fortune on 'stuff' but their favourite hidey is a shoe box and their favourite toy is toilet rolls.
Aww they are so cute :love:

My Eileen is nearly 10 weeks old and a little . She is so fast and will not sit still for cuddles or lap time. She just wants to run around and explore everything while squeaking and popcorning. Yesterday she was particularly fascinated by a doorstop... :nod:
Awwww yes mine were like that & they're still quite sensitive to noises they will try to bolt if they hear anything strange - but I can now have quite nice cuddles. I feel like they're very much tolerating me & not really enjoying it but it's much improved...
Lol. Funny the things they like. I've spent a fortune on 'stuff' but their favourite hidey is a shoe box and their favourite toy is toilet rolls.
Easily pleased aren't they! Haha. Mine are still loving their Yurt altho it's looking very sad. Unfortunately Sonny realised he could sit on top of it as well as inside it & its grubby as hell looking now! :mal: