Something to put on lino?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
West Midlands, UK
I want to lino my hutch, but what can I put on top of that to keep it warm?

I have megazorb for the hamsters but not sure if that would be a bit difficult to keep in the hutch :))
Or newspaper/puppy pads and hay? Or a sea of blankets? I don't know :))
if its outside I would opt for a thick layer of newspaper and then absorbant bedding on top of that and then add a load of hay on top of that (I put A LOT of hay in their bed). The newspaper will help soak up any wee and adds a layer on insulation to the hutch. I have just stopped using megazorb as my last bale was very dusty and had an odd smell, also as its so fine it is a pain in an outdoor hutch, gets kicked everywhere and then blows all over the garden (especially on clean out day) and makes a huge mess.

I use ecobed (which is squares of cardboard) or finacard which is similar or there are a number of other absorbant bedding materials such as fitch or even good quality dust extracted wood shavings. On top of that they have a load of hay (lots in their bed) to burrow into. Remember that you will want to think about keeping them warm outside. I have used fleece inside but outside in a hutch I personally wouldn't use it. I roll everything up in the newspaper and just chuck it on our garden waste bin - Easy!
Yes, lots of newspaper covered with a disposable bedding of your choice from wood shavings to recycled paper bedding such as Fitch, which I use for my indoor cages. Also lots of hay as has been said. :)
Lots of people use Megazorb for their piggies as well so you'll be fine to use that in the hutch on a layer of newspapers.
Ooh thank you :)

I use megazorb for the indoor rabbits litter trays as well as newspaper, I avoid wood shavings now, a bunny with respiratory problems and lung scarring and a hamster who's eye popped out after getting a big bit stuck in there as well as the fact I find them very messy and I don't like splinters :))

We get loooads of newspaper so that might be the easier and cleaner option, I clean the rabbits out daily so we have a lot of family members saving their papers. I currently have 2 bags full!
Megazorb would be fine with or without newspaper underneath because it is a good insulator itself. I'd use a layer of 1/2 inch / 12mm then add lots of hay for bedding & eating. If you have farms nearby you should be able to pick a large bail of hay up for less than a fiver.
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