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Something stuck on his paw pad?


New Born Pup
Feb 5, 2021
Reaction score
Hi I was hoping someone could offer some help this is my guinea pig Manny, I noticed a few days ago this little thing on his right front paw, at first it looked like a poo stuck but when I tried to get it off it won’t budge, I’m scared to pull on it incase it hurts him or incase it isn’t a poo in which case I have no idea what it could be, usually with poo being stuck to their paws it easily comes off when touched or falls on its own but this won’t budge and I’m starting to worry it may not be a poo😭 can anyone give me any advice on this and whether it is or isn’t a poo.
He also doesn’t seem bothered by it, he doesn’t limp or feel any pain when it is touched.


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Hi I was hoping someone could offer some help this is my guinea pig Manny, I noticed a few days ago this little thing on his right front paw, at first it looked like a poo stuck but when I tried to get it off it won’t budge, I’m scared to pull on it incase it hurts him or incase it isn’t a poo in which case I have no idea what it could be, usually with poo being stuck to their paws it easily comes off when touched or falls on its own but this won’t budge and I’m starting to worry it may not be a poo😭 can anyone give me any advice on this and whether it is or isn’t a poo.
He also doesn’t seem bothered by it, he doesn’t limp or feel any pain when it is touched.


Please check whether it could be a spur; a growth of dead skin.

Please so not cut it back unless it really gets in the way and poses a risk for catching and ripping open live skin. If you cut too close to live skin, you can seriously cripple the foot. If needed, rather see a vet or a vet nurse with guinea pig experience. Most spurs can just be left.

Guinea Lynx :: Guinea Pig Feet and Foot Problems