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Something Odd with Huxley's nails

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Wales (but from the Wirral)
Its not a very good pic, but some of Huxley's nails seem to have gone black!


Does anyone know what it is?
Hi Katie

Boomer's nail went black when I clipped it too short, but it was probably a different circumstance as it was on his dodgy extra toe(since been taken off) which was help on by a tiny thread. The small thread was restricting the blood flow so nothing was getting to the nail, but I doubt Huxley has dodgy extra toes! It sounds unlikely, but is there anything that could be constricting the blood getting to them?
Hi Julie,
I'm not sure... at first I thugth they were dirty as he always tramples in his poops ::) but it looks like they either have a strange growth over them or they have died! I tried scraping some off, it is almost like very tough skin.. I can't think what it is. The tips of most of the nails seem normal and I was able to trim them but some are completey black. They don't seem to bother him and his little hands and feet seem fine, just these funny nails. I might try soaking his paws in some warm water.
Sorry Katie, no idea - it may just be that they have got stained, Pepe has pale beige nails and they can get manky looking as he also tramples thrpugh poos (are there any piggies who don't?! ::) )
Ah i just looked, someone took their piggun to the vet with this and the vet said its like a corn. Nothing to worry anout.
I think you're thinking about spurs Jellybelly, but thanks! His nails are actually black.. if i can't soak or scrape it off then I will whizz him down to the vets.

Thanks all! I will have to post some more pics of him - he hasn't half filled out compared to the skinny poorly little scrap he was!
Hope he is ok Katie. That is an odd one, he's gorgeous! Eccles has dirty nails, I've never bathed him being a crested smooth. I'll have to check him out!

Keep us posted! :smitten:
I am hoping its just muck Louise but not sure.. i didn't really want to bath him as he is still a bit nervous at times but will try to soak his paws - god knows how!
Maybe a little bowl for him to stand in that doesn't get his body wet. :)
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