Someone Slap Me!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 28, 2014
Reaction score
USA Minnesota
Now I have a dilemma lol. The petco by my house has had this one BIG boar for a looooong time. He had a friend and they must have been very bonded as they were in a very small space. One of them was bought I assume a month ago. I feel so bad for this poor loan boy, he looks like a big love. I was thinking I could have him neutered, but then I wanted to slap myself lol. I can barely keep up with 3 pigs.....Sigh....someone tell me this is a bad idea!

I feel so bad for him. I actually think the other one was either returned or maybe they did have to separate them now that I think about it because they have another loan boar in an aquarium and he looks an awful lot like the one he had been with?!?
It's hard, trust me. Over the past couple of weeks I've taken in 3 piggies. One from the adoption section at PAH and 2 off a free ad before some numpty got them. BUT I made sure I had the time, resources, space and money to take these guys in. I am now full at the Inn but you need to consider your options. More pigs = more money, time and the costs of neutering the boar. If you can safely say you can keep up with all that then, why not? :P
It's hard, trust me. Over the past couple of weeks I've taken in 3 piggies. One from the adoption section at PAH and 2 off a free ad before some numpty got them. BUT I made sure I had the time, resources, space and money to take these guys in. I am now full at the Inn but you need to consider your options. More pigs = more money, time and the costs of neutering the boar. If you can safely say you can keep up with all that then, why not? :P
  • Points to make ?
  • If you take that pig it will only be filled with another ?
  • Who's to say that they next one won't wait as long ?
  • What are you going to do if your existing pigs don't like him ?
  • Buy/adopt another one will that work out for you some of your forum friend seem to suggest that threes enough for you ! (Knowing what a threes like myself x)
  • The only reason I'm here is to stop you from doing what I have seen happen myself !
  • Thank you for reading I hope you and your pigs are well Astrid x
  • We can stop playing the depressing music now lol x ! :agr:
god i know. went to garden centre today theyve got 2 Gorgeous.lop bunnies in a tiny aquarium who were there last time i went about a month ago. we must. not. do. it. repeat repeat repeat!
We went to a reptile shop today and they had two babies guinea pigs in separate little tub/cage things.My hart missed a beat thought they were been sold for food at first! Felt really sorry for them spent all my time there talking to them.My husband had to drag me out in the end. It was really hard to walk away
Awwww Nicky that must have been awful! They probably were for food or eventually would be. I saw a title for a terrible video on YouTube about a pig and a snake :( my son and husband had a snake for a while ICK! We only fed it dead food which I still hated. Once my son got a live small
Mouse to feed it and started to feel bad on the way home he was probably 6-7 so they let it go in the park lol. Which I know is not good either but I was glad he did. The snake finally became aggressive (ball python) so we gave him to the herpetological society. I do NOT like snakes. They're almost cold and dead themselves but alive....shudder!
Awwww Nicky that must have been awful! They probably were for food or eventually would be. I saw a title for a terrible video on YouTube about a pig and a snake :( my son and husband had a snake for a while ICK! We only fed it dead food which I still hated. Once my son got a live small
Mouse to feed it and started to feel bad on the way home he was probably 6-7 so they let it go in the park lol. Which I know is not good either but I was glad he did. The snake finally became aggressive (ball python) so we gave him to the herpetological society. I do NOT like snakes. They're almost cold and dead themselves but alive....shudder!
I saw a YouTube video with a guinea pig being fed to a snake. I had to close the tab before I saw any more. I came across it by accident.
Sounds like the same one I saw. I was like why is it just sitting there munching away. Then I was like wow how odd maybe they're friends until I could see what the snake was going to do and turned it off. Why didn't the pig MOVE AND RUN?!?
Sounds like the same one I saw. I was like why is it just sitting there munching away. Then I was like wow how odd maybe they're friends until I could see what the snake was going to do and turned it off. Why didn't the pig MOVE AND RUN?!?
It was making distressing sounds though, it was probably in a state of shock. I'd be scared if I saw a Python coming towards me.
i am up to ten piggies and eight rats not to mention the hamsters and gerbil.I had a hoarding problem but am getting very good at saying no.I have contacts with rescues now so can pass on any in need.I know i cant cope with any more.The hamsters and gerbil wont be getting replaced( honestly)
No, it was a white piggy I saw.
Oh the one I saw was black :( and he just sat there eating away. The snake smelled his face and all around ect. Then it started to go over it's back and around and still the pig didn't move. Then I could see he was starting to squeeze and I turned it off.

I wish they couldn't put that stuff on YouTube. All we were doing was looking for pig videos. Think how many kids come across that and are horrified. :(
i am up to ten piggies and eight rats not to mention the hamsters and gerbil.I had a hoarding problem but am getting very good at saying no.I have contacts with rescues now so can pass on any in need.I know i cant cope with any more.The hamsters and gerbil wont be getting replaced( honestly)
Aww if I wasn't married I would probably have a problem. We have 3 pigs, 2 1/2 dogs, 2 cats and a leopard gecko.
Hahahaha! I was shocked no one had noticed that! My Mimi is about 5 pounds, that's the half lol lol. Our cats are bigger than she is.
Ahh I see I see. I did a double take thinking 'what on earth' but then realised it could be a tiny dog!
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