Some Pics Of My 13 Pigs!


Junior Guinea Pig
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
Southern Moreton Bay Islands, QLD, Australia
Happy New Year, everybody and every piggy!

I thought I'd share some pics of my 13 pigs from our cleaning-and-haircut day today:


ABOVE: Abraham, who is a funny little old soul


ABOVE: Pippin, who is a non-stop mischief-maker and a definite 'people-pig'
This little one will roll on his side to have his belly rubbed!


ABOVE: Zuri, who is terribly cute and still learning to trust after a rough start in life


ABOVE: Theo, a guinea pig with a sense of humour


ABOVE: The ladies, Bunny and Fudge, who are both independent madams
Bunny has recently had ultrasounds for ovary issues, hence her patchy coat


ABOVE: Merry, a pig who knows what he wants
And he clearly doesn't want a photograph at this point in time :)


ABOVE: Ollie, who is a sweetheart but terribly shy


ABOVE: The triplets, Tuli, Liko and Kudo at the back
If there's a riot to be had, these three will start it...


ABOVE: Jojo, who has the loudest, squeakiest 'wheek' I've ever heard!
And a unique way of drinking from the water bottle


ABOVE: Milo, who's a sweet, friendly pig...
...with crooked ears! Photobombed by Pippin
What simply gorgeous piggies! I think a New Year Piggynapping expedition is required! :bal: I've always wanted to go to Australia!

@Kylie80 care to join me?
Aww, they are so cute! I wish I had the space for 13 piggies

Thank-you - I think so too, but I may be biased ;) They take up a huge amount of space - they actually live in the little 'granny flat' on the bottom level of my house!

It's not so much the space I find tricky, but the time - most days there's at least 45mins of cleaning and feeding...
By all means drop them off at mine, it’ll be the easiest pignapping mission ever! :bal::D
Oi you!:box::box: It was my idea to pignap them not yours!:box::box:

It's far too hot here - a 35-degree day earlier in the week, and big storms every afternoon. No good for piggies! Maybe we'll come to see you instead!
You are welcome to drop in at any time but do remember to leave the piggies on the way out!:bal::bal:
I love your commentary about their different personalities. Gorgeous photos of some really interesting pigsonalities.
I’ve really enjoyed reading and seeing your piggies, lovely, thank you for sharing. :wub:Hope to see and hear more soon and here’s wishing you & your herd a happy new year too x
What simply gorgeous piggies! I think a New Year Piggynapping expedition is required! :bal: I've always wanted to go to Australia!

@Kylie80 care to join me?
Yes! I have some old pillow cases we can use for piggy napping sacks. I'll bring those and you can bring the wine :beer:
Yes! I have some old pillow cases we can use for piggy napping sacks. I'll bring those and you can bring the wine :beer:
Fine by me! Which is the nearest airport to you and I'll book tickets! See you in a couple of days! :bal:
So many little beauties! :luv::luv::luv::luv: