Some People Have Guard Dogs...


Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 31, 2016
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I have a guard guinea pig! Sprout has decided that sitting on top of the hidey and wheeking every time I so much as move (even if I’m not in the same room) is the best way to try and get food.

At least Chutney begs normally!


Have you considered expanding your cage or getting a bigger one? Sorry, but it doesn’t look to me like that is the right amount of room for two males.

I am looking into getting a bigger cage, yes. C&C cage isn’t really an option for me since I don’t have a lot of space (live in a tiny one bed annex).
I am looking into getting a bigger cage, yes. C&C cage isn’t really an option for me since I don’t have a lot of space (live in a tiny one bed annex).
That’s great that you’re getting a larger cage.

A good amount of space for two boars should be 12 square feet, as they tend to be territorial (especially Sprout who thinks he’s king of the cage, lol!).

I used to keep my piggies in small cage too, and sadly it was awhile before they got into a proper sized one.
That’s great that you’re getting a larger cage.

A good amount of space for two boars should be 12 square feet, as they tend to be territorial (especially Sprout who thinks he’s king of the cage, lol!).

I used to keep my piggies in small cage too, and sadly it was awhile before they got into a proper sized one.

Sprout’s actually a bit of a coward! Chutney’s the head pig out of the pair of them. I’ll have a look online and see what I can find in terms of cages.