Some of my Piggers

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Here are a few of my piggies:

Jersey Girl at the back and Tia at the front, out on the lawn earlier this summer:

Koala and Jersey Girl (taken when Koala was only about 4 weeks old, she's now 4 months):

Koala and her mum Tashi:

Jersey Girl again:

Tia, when she was just a few weeks old:

Hope you like them!
chinakit said:
Thank you! So glad you like them. They are my pride and joy.

Gorgeous :)
Have you managed to find homes for your other ones? Beks kindly emailed me the link to the site where you had them up for rehoming as she knew I was looking for a Peruvian. Have you decided to keep Tia now? She's lovely, I have a real soft spot for Peruvians. My first was abeutiful Dutch marked girl called Jemima, she was stunning and my special baby :)

Hopefully a little recue sow will come along one day. It's the first time in years since I've been without a Peruvian, though now, I'm active in rescue again, I'm sure this won't be a permanent state of affair ;)

Hi Barbara

I am keeping Tia now :) I have managed to get the numbers down to 8, so should be able to manage that number (along with 2 rabbits, 5 cats, 2 dogs and a gerbil!). It hurt a lot to reduce the numbers, but they have gone to really caring homes, with people who will keep in touch with me about their progress, so I am grateful for that.

Jane x
That's good, it's best to keep guinea pigs down to manageable numbers, however tempting it may be to add just one more to the family. Especially if we hear of a rescue one needing a home.

They're gorgeous! I love Tia especially, I'm after a peruvian too. I'm a friend of GemmaH, who I believe picked up your skinny pig to take her to her new home, and I love her new perus, they're gorgeous. I'm glad you are able to keep these. I've got fibromyalgia and recognise I have to keep my furries down to a manageable level to care for them properly, but it is difficult ::) I've got two buns and 3 piggies at the moment and as long as I split the cleaning out over a couple of days I can manage. I'm just going to add a couple of girls to my family and then I'm done (for now anyway ;))

Kathryn xx
Hi Kathryn

I too have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which is why I had to give up working and cut down the piggy numbers. When I am having a 'good' day I think I can cope with more, but the good days are becoming less and less just now. This is part of the reason I had to part with some piggies, the other reason is that now I am living on sickness benefits I didn't want them to have to go without anything. I like to spoil my pets, not give them just the bare minimum.

Barbara - you are right, it is so easy to take in 'just one more', but I have now learned that I really can't cope with more just now, hopefully one day when I am able to work again. I won't give up trying ....
Hi, I know just what it's like, I've been diagnosed now for about 16 years now and it comes and goes. I've got a bad bout at the moment and I'm in sooo much pain :( I've only recently started with pets again after many years without, and I love them, make me smile and keep me going :)

I'm lucky as I have a lovely OH with a reasonably good job which just about keeps us going. I do get frustrated with myself not being able to work as I know life would be so much easier if I had an income coming in, but at least I don't have to rely on benefits any more. We don't have any cash spare but without him me and my son would be in a right pickle, so you have my sympathy.

Kathryn x x
Thanks for your kind words Kathryn, yes it's not easy when you're ill and also living alone. Apart from the money side of it, there is the worry that being ill, I may not be able to get to the phone when I need to (I only have a mobile and sometimes the money runs out on it before I have my benefit to buy more credit). My boyfriend lives quite a few miles away and visits weekly, but works long hours and cannot visit during the week. He does ring to check on me most nights though!

However, I know I will be ok! And I live in hope that one day I'll be working again and independent.
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