some help please

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
I hope someone can give me some advice please because i have been getting rather stressed out and upset about my piggies ...

Ariel had to go into the vets and as a result had to spend some time away from luna and nigel, when i put them back together they were fine (this was after 7 days apart) but when i took ariel back for a check up she had a bit of inflammatory fluid around the wound and needed to be confined a bit more so i had to separate them again, this time for 10 days :( as 7 days wasn't long enough,

yesterday when i put them back together they didn't get on so well, i am so used to them being so good together that it has really upset me because luna in particular seems to be picking on ariel, they seem to be ok with each other until ariel gets really close to her which wouldn't usually bother either of them but i watched them this morning and she wouldn't let her near the hay rack so poor ariel ran off. i don't know what to do, how long do i leave it before i have to make the decision to separate them which i really dont want to do. i have read some of the other threads and thought maybe i could try a couple of ideas from them tomorrow. they are both sitting on my lap right next to each other and seem absolutely fine am i panicking unnecessarily? sorry for the long message i just really want them to back to how they were before :(
I think it's normal, the dominant piggy is just re-establishing that she's boss :) I wouldn't separate, give them lots of things to distract them like hay & veggies strewn around & they will get along with each other again. My Daisy (in my pic) had an op in February & the same thing happened, but it was the middle pig of my trio that kept chasing her. Also if she is on antibiotics then she may be sniffing around the others for their poops, Daisy did that too & so is my current piggy as she had an op last week & is currently following the boss pig around constantly which as you imagine can get a bit annoying so there are lots of little squeaks & a fair bit of chasing off going on here at the moment!
thank you :) i needed someone to say something positive! i think i just got in a right old panic and then that got me upset, i guess it was only yesterday they were put back together so i should give them longer. they are cuddled right next to each other with their faces touching at the moment and i am wondering why i was getting so worked up! I just hope we can return to this (pic) soon

Don't worry, I had to separate my piggys for a while when they had there children, they where in two separate cages, but I put them together so they could still see and communicate with one an another, now they are back together and are really happy,

My piggys are called Lilly, Poppy and Daisy
I bought Lilly and Daisy from pets at home, both girls, they obviously didn't check them over properly because Daisy had triplets but they all died, then Lilly had one babie named Poppy who we still have now, don't worry, they will be fine! :-)
Thank you :) they all seem to be doing ok now i think i really just panicked
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