Some Big Changes

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 28, 2015
Reaction score
Ohio United States
So I haven't been on here much lately there has been a lot going on.. I've recently separated from my husband and we are currently going through a divorce.. I moved out into my own place which unfortunately was a little traumatic for my girls.. They didn't come out of their hideys for days.. They have since adjusted and are now back to their usual noisy selves. The good news in all of this is that the girls now have their own room and no longer share my bedroom. There is lots of room and now that I have more space and no one telling me that I can't, I made the decision to add another cage and two more lovely ladies to our family... So I made the 4 hour trip to my nearest rescue and came home with these beauties. I'd like everyone to meet Luna the agouti and Nova the black and white. 20170527_115408.webp 20170527_115612.webp 20170527_115559.webp
Sometimes you are best being parted than together.
It's great that you can do anything with your piggies than being nagged at.
Your last 2 are gorgeous.

Your right about that I'm so much happier now on my own than I have been for the past 10 years. And I loved being able to give 2 more girls a much needed home without him always complaining.
So I haven't been on here much lately there has been a lot going on.. I've recently separated from my husband and we are currently going through a divorce.. I moved out into my own place which unfortunately was a little traumatic for my girls.. They didn't come out of their hideys for days.. They have since adjusted and are now back to their usual noisy selves. The good news in all of this is that the girls now have their own room and no longer share my bedroom. There is lots of room and now that I have more space and no one telling me that I can't, I made the decision to add another cage and two more lovely ladies to our family... So I made the 4 hour trip to my nearest rescue and came home with these beauties. I'd like everyone to meet Luna the agouti and Nova the black and white. View attachment 64111 View attachment 64112 View attachment 64113
Good luck, been there, our animals get us through. x
Sorry to hear you've been having a tough time, had noticed i hadn't seen your avatar as much.

Your new additions are gorgeous :love: congratulations! Hope to see lots more of them on the forum
(Update) Sadly once the girls got home and in their cage they decided they did not want to live together. No matter what I tried they just refused to live together. The black and white(Nova) was quite the bully. I even tried introducing her to my existing herd but that didn't work either. She tried to bully my dominant girl but Ivy wasn't having it. After talking to the woman at the rescue we decided that the best thing to do was to return Nova to them where they could find her a submissive friend. So as heartbroken as I was I didn't want her to live alone so I did. They had one other baby female from Luna and Novas litter so I brought her home. After a week I think it's safe to say that I have a happy pair now. I would like to introduce Lorelei20170530_175546.webp 20170531_221901.webp 20170604_210512.webp

Now I just have my fingers crossed that little Nova finds her perfect home.
Aww they are cute. That must of been stressful on top of everything else you are going through. It's strange how some guineas don't get on. My two girls I had Ruby mounted TItch an awful lot but TItch accepted it as she was submissive the ridiculous thing was when TItch was hormonal she would mount Ruby and twizzle her head and popcorn in enjoyment as if 'ha see how you like it' Your guinea will find her perfect match by the rescue xx
Aww they are cute. That must of been stressful on top of everything else you are going through. It's strange how some guineas don't get on. My two girls I had Ruby mounted TItch an awful lot but TItch accepted it as she was submissive the ridiculous thing was when TItch was hormonal she would mount Ruby and twizzle her head and popcorn in enjoyment as if 'ha see how you like it' Your guinea will find her perfect match by the rescue xx

I'm glad your girls make it work. Nova was just an outright bully she would back Luna into a corner and wouldn't let her move. Then when I tried Nova with my herd of four older girls she tried it with Ivy and they actually fought, luckily neither actually got hurt. I hated taking her back but I really couldn't see any other way. The lady at the rescue has promised to let me know how it goes with finding Nova a friend and a new home, so hopefully that will happen soon. On the plus side though Luna and Lorelei seem to be best friends and have really come out of their she'll since coming home.
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