Solving a piggy puzzle - food


New Born Pup
Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
Hi all!
In two wheeks time we will be getting a baby boy and girl.
The girl will be moving in with our two ladies age 4. The boy will be moving in with our 4yo boy.

Now- I know that babies need more calcium to grow their tiny bodies, but also that adult pigs are not supposed to have all that calcium.
So while babies can have alfalfa hay and alfalfa based pellets, adults should have timothy, meadow and other low calcium hays. Correct?
How can we feed all our pigs correctly?
I had some ideas, like feeding them a few alfalfa pellets during lap time multiple times a day. Or giving calcium rich treats and veggies at lap time?
Welcome to the forum :)
How old will your new piggies be?
I think that beyond 6-8 weeks they just need a standard adult diet. (I may be wrong though) So as long as none of the pigs they are moving in with are on low calcium diets they should be fine.
If not then just some higher calcium veg given as a treat once a week or so during lap time for the first 1-2 months would probably be fine.
Pantalaimon is correct - they can have a normal adult diet.
Babies do not need alfalfa nor alfalfa pellets, and in fact they should never have both anyway.