Solo Guinea Pig, Desperate.

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New Born Pup
Oct 7, 2014
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Hello everyone! I recently adopted a guinea pig from craigslist, the guinea was living in inhuman conditions, and I couldn't help but take him away from the other family. Well he is finally warming up to me and we are beginning to form a bond, however I can only have one guinea pig. My parent's allowed me to adopt this one because of the situation it was in, otherwise they would not have done so. I truly care for the little guy, and try to give him as much love and attention as I possibly can, but would it be selfish to keep him even though he probably would be alone at least until I move out in 2 years which then I can get him a companion (he's about 1 year old)? Or should I try and see if anyone is willing to adopt a companion for their piggy? I just want what's best for him, even if that means letting him go to a better home.
Well done for adopting him and giving him a home. It's a horrible situation you are in. Can you not show your parents a booklet/leaflet about guinea pigs? As it will probably say that they should not really be kept alone. I don't know what you should do. 2 years is a long time in a guineapigs life. I really feel for you. ;(
Try talking to your parents. There is not much difference in owning 1 piggy to owning 2 if that's what they are worried about. Just make sure you have a big enough cage. It would be better for piggy if he had a companion. Hope everything works out for you.
I hope that you can persuade your parents, but otherwise, he will have a very loving home and mummy in you! As long as you give him regular attention, stimulate him and give him plenty of love, he won't have an unhappy life. It is mostly you who will know that he is not able to realise the full potential; he's never known otherwise, so he is not aware of what he is misisng out on. ;)

Could you please show your parents these threads here:
And this one from the best medical website for guinea pigs:

However, you also have to be aware that pairing up two males is not quite as easy as simply getting another one and sticking them together. Guinea pigs have great individual personalities that can easily clash, so ideally you find a place where your boy can meet a friend for mutual sympathy and compatible characters. otherwise you run a risk that the two are not getting on and may have to live next to each other with mutual stimulation through the bars. Please do not rush into anything. Think and talk things through. Your boy is safe and well cared for for the time being, that is the main the thing!

It would also be good if you talked with your parents about building up a vet fund into which both parties pay a small sum weekly, so your boy can see a vet asap whenever needed. Illness and emergencies never happen at a good time, but the longer you have to wait and wrangle, the worse the chance that help will come in time and the greater your distress. Vet cost in the US can quickly spiral up once you are looking at an operation. Your parents are legally obliged to take responsibility for any minors and their pets, but is something that in reality cannot be enforced and is not rarely leading to real distress. If you can avoid that scenario, it would be better for everybody involved.

We have got lots of information for new owners at the top of our various Care sections, which you may find helpful.

It would also be great if you added your state to your details, so we can always give you the best advice for where you are. With members from all over the world, you can imagine that things can differ quite a bit! Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. In the same section you can also upload your avatar (the picture that appears with every post). Thanks!
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