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Soft poop post-antibiotics


New Born Pup
Nov 28, 2020
Reaction score
Hello everyone!
I have a senior male guinea pig (he's becoming 7 years old soon) and around 2 days ago he stopped his medical treatment with enro flec (enrofloxacin). About two weeks ago he was suffering with otitis, but with ear liquid drainage and antibiotics he's having good results.
The problem is: he stopped his medications 2 days ago (he took medication for 7 days), and still i've noticed him very picky with his food and pooping some soft poop (but not diarrhea) even though his antibiotics are over. Is it normal? His weight is normal and he stills eating.
I'm waiting until tomorrow to cut his veggies and let him only with pellets, water and hay (as always) since here in Brazil we don't have safe prebiotic for exotic pets just as guinea pigs (and foreign prebiotic are very expensive, unfortunately) to watch if his poopies are getting better.
My vet suggested me to feed him with healthy guinea pig's poop, but i can't find another one where i live :(
What should i do? I have an appointment in a week and he's going to take some exames (x-ray).

Thank you so much and i'm sorry about my messy english!

Your piggy has reached a wonderful age - well done taking such good care of him. I'm glad to hear his problems with his ears has improved.
Does he live alone? Guinea pigs are social creatures that require companionship. Boar dating at a rescue is a good way to try find him a companion.

Soft poops are common with antibiotic use. You are correct to remove any veggies for at least 48 hours to see if there is any improvement. Is there lack of appetite? As this would concern me more, and he must be support fed if this is the case. As you have a couple of concerns, I would most definitely make another appointment with your vet and get him checked over. The vet will be able to advise on prebiotics and support feeding.

In the meantime, do keep weighing him daily.

Hope he improves soon!

Your piggy has reached a wonderful age - well done taking such good care of him. I'm glad to hear his problems with his ears has improved.
Does he live alone? Guinea pigs are social creatures that require companionship. Boar dating at a rescue is a good way to try find him a companion.

Soft poops are common with antibiotic use. You are correct to remove any veggies for at least 48 hours to see if there is any improvement. Is there lack of appetite? As this would concern me more, and he must be support fed if this is the case. As you have a couple of concerns, I would most definitely make another appointment with your vet and get him checked over. The vet will be able to advise on prebiotics and support feeding.

In the meantime, do keep weighing him daily.

Hope he improves soon!
Thank you so much for answering me and i'm really grateful for your good vibes ♡
I just got an appointment with vet for tomorrow plus some x-ray to see his little lungs, column and his heart. I've been weighing him everyday since last year and fortunately his weight has been following a good pattern.
He's been living alone since his partner died at age of 8 :( i would drive my mother crazy if i adopt another piggie haha.
Again, thank you so much! I'm willing to hear good news soon.
Wishing the best for you! :D
Thank you so much for answering me and i'm really grateful for your good vibes ♡
I just got an appointment with vet for tomorrow plus some x-ray to see his little lungs, column and his heart. I've been weighing him everyday since last year and fortunately his weight has been following a good pattern.
He's been living alone since his partner died at age of 8 :( i would drive my mother crazy if i adopt another piggie haha.
Again, thank you so much! I'm willing to hear good news soon.
Wishing the best for you! :D
Best of luck at the vets tomorrow! Let us know how it goes 🤞🏻
Best of luck at the vets tomorrow! Let us know how it goes 🤞🏻
yesterday was a long day! fortunately, his ears, column and hearts are doing fine, but his liver and his lungs are having problems :^(
he's already on treatment, taking one kind of antibiotics due pneumonia and also taking a natural liver protector!
yesterday was a long day! fortunately, his ears, column and hearts are doing fine, but his liver and his lungs are having problems :^(
he's already on treatment, taking one kind of antibiotics due pneumonia and also taking a natural liver protector!
Keeping everything crossed for him! Hope he improves soon 🤞🤞🤞