First, please put your piggies back together. Separating them isn’t helpful and can actually ruin their bond.
If they have been apart for more than a few hours you will need to make sure they are reintroduced properly on neutral territory to ensure they actually do want to go back together. You cannot just put them directly back in the normal cage if they have been separated for a while as it can be seen as a territory invasion.
Soft poop means there is likely a gut imbalance. Please don’t feed him grass or pepper while he has soft poops. Feed just hay during this time.
Remove the veg and only feed him hay until his poops normalise. You then need a wait a further 24 hours after they normalise and then you can very slowly reintroduce veg again. I’d you reintroduce veg too fast then it can cause the poops to go soft again.
If poops don’t normalise within a few days your piggy should be seen by a vet.
Being given hay does not cause calcium pees.
Lots of calcium being excreted in the urine is caused by the diet not being balanced. The calcium content of their diet is either too low or too high. Yes, being too low can also cause the same calcium problems as being too high.
Please can you give us details of exactly what their diet is? Is it just grass, pepper and hay with nothing else at all?
1 The Urinary Tract
2 Pees
- Water intake changes
- Pee discoloration
3 Infections
- Bacterial urine infection (UTI)
- Bacterial cystitis
- Sterile cystitis (interstitial cystitis or IC)
4 Stones, Sludge and Crystals
- Crystals, stones and sludge
- Stone and sludge removal
5 Kidneys...
1 How the Digestive System Works
2 Poo Eating (Coprophagy)
3 Health Monitoring: Weighing vs. Poos Watching
- What does weighing do?
- What does the poop output tell you?
4 Minor Poop Issues
- How to deal with a minor tummy upset
- Funny poops: What do they mean?
- Caked on poops
5 Serious Diarrhoea
6 Impaction