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Soft Deformed Stools after Bonding

Toffee and Oreo

Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 29, 2023
Reaction score
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help, I have a 4 year old Sow called Toffee who I have just bonded to a neutered 4 month year old Boar called Oreo.

The bonding went well, and Toffee quickly established she would be boss, so I left them overnight together and they were fine together in the morning, but I noticed that Toffee was have very deformed stools and not with the usual rounded edges. They also were very clumped together and a mix of sizes. She’s drinking and eating fine, so I’m just wondering wether this is just stress related and would just get better on its own or wether I should take her to the vets?
I went to a vet recently after Ziggy had soft poos. His digestion was fine and the vet said that one cause is stress. But I'd keep an eye on it and remove veggies for a while because soft poos can be an in indicator of more serious problems.
I’m glad the bonding went well. Maybe she’s eaten a little bit less hay since she’s got a new friend to play with. Keep an eye on her. If it continues I’d cut out veg for a day or two see if that sorts it. If not I’d get her checked over just in case. Maybe weigh her daily for a couple of days to make sure she is eating enough. It’s probably just the stress.
I agree. Bonding is stressful and may have caused her to not eat as much hay as necessary which in turn may have caused a digestive upset.

Remove veg from her diet for a few days and increase hay intake. Poops should normalise with increased fibre intake.
Also ensure you switch to daily weight checks so you can more closely monitor that she is eating enough hay.
If poops do not settle down after a few days off veg, then a vet check would be a good idea at that point.
Hi, just an update on Toffee, her poop is returning to normal, but she has lost some weight as her usual weight range is 900-940g
It was 900g last week but now she’s down to 845g, is this something to worry about or is it due to not feeding veggies?
Hi, just an update on Toffee, her poop is returning to normal, but she has lost some weight as her usual weight range is 900-940g
It was 900g last week but now she’s down to 845g, is this something to worry about or is it due to not feeding veggies?
That's a big weight loss when she's quite tiny. I'd be keeping a very close eye on her to see that she doesn't lose any more.

I only have my recent experience to offer, but mine weighed around 50-75g less when they weren't on any veggies ( but stayed the same lower weight for the few weeks that they were not eating veg) and bounced back quickly once veggies were back on the menu. I weigh them in the morning after feeding all their veggies the previous evening.

I hope she doesn't lose any more weight, but if she does, I'd take her to the vets
When I have stopped their veggies in the past they have also lost weight.
That is a lot of weight to have lost. It may be because she hasn’t had veg but I would ensure you keep up with daily weight checks and monitor her closely.
I’ve not noticed a dramatic weight loss when any of mine have had to be off veg - they just ate more hay and their weight didn’t fluctuate much, but I have very big boys!