New Born Pup
I noticed today that my guinea pig has been doing soft, smelly poops as opposed to his normal healthy poops. He does a couple of healthy ones too but there are too many soft ones for me to think it’s just normal. At first I thought that maybe he was just sitting on his poops and squishing them but I’m not sure that’s the case.
He seems to be eating and drinking normally and there was nothing out of the ordinary about his poops yesterday. I’ve been weighing him daily for just over a week because of concerns over weight loss but he’s been at a constant and healthy weight for a while now and he hadn’t dropped any weight when I weighed him this morning.
He didn’t squeak for his fresh veg this morning like he usually does but I didn’t think much of that. Fresh veg wise, he gets lettuce, green pepper, cilantro and cucumber daily. Although the cucumber I only reintroduced to him in the last several days because he doesn’t like it that much and tends to neglect it lol. Could it be that he’s reacting strangely to the cucumber? Should I be concerned and what should be my next steps?
He seems to be eating and drinking normally and there was nothing out of the ordinary about his poops yesterday. I’ve been weighing him daily for just over a week because of concerns over weight loss but he’s been at a constant and healthy weight for a while now and he hadn’t dropped any weight when I weighed him this morning.
He didn’t squeak for his fresh veg this morning like he usually does but I didn’t think much of that. Fresh veg wise, he gets lettuce, green pepper, cilantro and cucumber daily. Although the cucumber I only reintroduced to him in the last several days because he doesn’t like it that much and tends to neglect it lol. Could it be that he’s reacting strangely to the cucumber? Should I be concerned and what should be my next steps?