So My Guineas Are Really Bonding,after Just 24 Hours Together!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
South Wales
They're sleeping together & eating together.The older guinea tries to mount her sometimes but i assume that's normal behaviour
They're sleeping together & eating together.The older guinea tries to mount her sometimes but i assume that's normal behaviour
My Alex and oreo bonded straight away :) they both ate from the same dish even though I had two of everything :) I hope your piggies continue to get along so well :)
Sounds good to me!

Initial acceptance is usually very quick (or it doesn't happen at all) - it usually takes only seconds to up to half an hour after first interaction. What follows immediately is the dominance phase where they are working on establishing a hierarchy. How long that lasts depends on how clear cut or disputed it is and how secure the new top is feeling in its position. Dominance can be a few days to a few weeks. If there is not much in it, like in yours, the dominance phase is usually pretty short and mild. A bond is usually established as soon as accpetance has happened and definitely once the top piggy spot has been agreed upon by all piggies in that group. The rest is small print... ;)
If you are bonding boars, there is a small chance of a fall-out at the end of the dominance hase when the underpiggy gets his say about how far he allows himself to be pushed in those cases where the top boy is not accepting the counterproposal and agreeing to any concessions.
That's great! :)) My two didn't get along at first, and my older one tried to mount the younger one. They still do it, after 5 months! I hope they continue to do this!
They mount one another but she allows Baby to sleep in the next hut which is great news :-)
Just sit it out! it can well be that one of the sows is in season, on top of each other. But they have certainly bonded.
How sweet! When we introduced Linney and Sundae, it was sweet how quickly they accepted each other. The sniffed noses and followed each other around. Then Sundae went and sat right next to Linney and they each were trying to get back to one another when we put them into separate cages, so we moved them into the same enclosure earlier than planned. I was SO relieved that it was that easy... I think that Linney in particular was lonely after losing Frenzy a few weeks before (she had never been alone prior to that) and Sundae was very young and is very laid back and was perfectly happy to let Linney be dominant, so it all went very smoothly.

One of my favourite memories is the first time Linney caught site of Sundae (during the quarantine period they were on two different floors of the house and really didn't know the other was there.) I let Linney see her through the bars and she was so excited to see another pig that she popcorned! It really makes you realize that they are social and do thrive on company!
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